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Blue-cheeked Bee-eater - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 16:10, 9 January 2010 by Njlarsen (talk | contribs) (add similar species and additional photo)
Photo by MikeB
Location: Cuango valley, northern Angola, March 2005
Merops persicus


24-26 cm. Green, blue sides to face, black eye stripe, yellow and brown throat, black bill, two elongated central tail feathers.
Sexes alike.

Similar Species

Similar to Blue-tailed Bee-eater but note blue supercilium. Distinctly larger than Little Green Bee-eater.

Photo by Samir Mehta
Uran, Maharashtra, India; November 01, 2009


Morocco, Algeria, eastern Turkey to Kazakhstan; winters in tropical Africa.



There are 2 subspecies:

  • M. p. chrysocercus
  • M. p. persicus
  • Egypt to Lake Balkhash and Hindu Kush; winters to southern Africa


Desert oases, coastal mangroves, scrub, reed beds and farmland.


They hawk from exposed perches and overhead power lines.


The diet includes dragonflies, bees, wasps and hornets.


They nest colonially in sandy banks, making a long tunnel. They lay 4-8 spherical white eggs which are incubated by both parents.


  1. Clements, JF. 2008. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World. 6th ed., with updates to December 2008. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0801445019.
  2. Wikipedia

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