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Black Hawk-Eagle - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 20:01, 18 August 2009 by Arthurgrosset (talk | contribs) (Add External Link)
Spizaetus tyrannus
Photo by Glen Tepke
Photo taken Plantation Road, Soberania National Park, Panama


In flight, the impression is dominated by the strong barring on wings and tail. The flight feathers near the body are shorter than those further out on the wing, making the jizz somethat butterfly-like (sometimes even more strongly than the photo included here).


Photo credit: Peter R. Bono
Date: 2008-08-04
Location: along Manu Road, above Pilcopata (760m), Peru

From Mexico through Central America to Trinidad, Brazil and Argentina. Avoids larger mountains and in South America mostly east of the Andes.


Two subspecies are recognized, serus and tyrannus.


Mostly lowland forests.


Mostly seen when soaring, often high above the canopy; sometimes gives its characteristic call when soaring. Hunts from perches, from which it catches mammals and birds.


<flashmp3> Black Hawk Eagle Regua 09h58m30s01sep2008.mp3</flashmp3>
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Recording by Andrew Whitehouse

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