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Hooded Crane - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 03:34, 8 May 2009 by Nomdeploom (talk | contribs)
Grus monacha
Photo by Ingo


1 m (3.3 ft) long, a weight of 3.7 kg (8.2 lbs) and a wingspan of 1.87 m (6.2 ft). Grey body, top of neck and head white, bare red skin above eye, eye hazel yellow, legs and toes black. Sexes identical though male slightly larger.

Juvenile crown are covered with black and white feathers during the first year, and exhibit some brownish or greyish wash on their body feathers.




A monotypic species.


Sphagnum bogs, forested wetlands in mountain valleys.


Nests are made of damp moss, peat, sedge stalks and leaves, and branches of larch and birch. 2 eggs are laid and incubated by both parents for 27-30 days.

Diet includes aquatic plants, berries, insects, frogs, salamanders, roots, rhizomes, seeds, grass, and small animals.

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