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Aquatic Warbler - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 20:00, 29 September 2008 by Emma (talk | contribs) (Vocalisation Category added)

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Acrocephalus paludicola
Photo by dipper_wales
A juvenile being ringed


Distribution & Taxonomy

Uncommon to rare over most of breeding range. Breeds from Lithuania, eastern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine east to Central Asia and also at very scattered localities in central and western Poland, eastern Germany and Hungary. Has bred in France, Belgium and Netherlands, Slovakia, Austria and Italy.

A summer visitor which leaves breeding areas and moving westwards or south-westwards in August-September to occur in Netherlands, Belgium, southern England and western France before flying south to winter in tropical West Africa. Most occurring in north-western Europe in autumn are juveniles. In Britain 20-40 occur most years with the majority on the south coast, particularly in the south-west, but also recorded north to Shetland. On spring passage returns to Europe late-April to mid-May and by a more easterly route, rarely recorded in north-western Europe.

Vagrants recorded in Ireland and the Scandinavian countries, Greece and Turkey, Malta, Azores and Canary Islands.



<flashmp3>Acrocephalus paludicola (song).mp3</flashmp3>
Listen in an external program


Breeds in marshes and swamps with tussock sedge and reedmace but less frequently in reedbeds. On passage uses reedbeds and most waterside vegetation including nearby bushes and trees.

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