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Wing Tagged Kite in Sussex (1 Viewer)

I had some great views of a winged tagged red kite in Sussex on the 19th March. It definetly had an orange tag on one wing and I think it had a yellow one on the other wing. Alternatively it had a predominatley orange tag with a little bit of yellow on it. Based on this can anyone tell me a little bit more about the bird? or is this combination of tags not unique? I think given recent eagle owl discussions it is best that I don't reveal the location of the bird
Send your sighting to tony.cross(AT)welshkitetrust.org at the Welsh Kite Trust and he will tell you where it is from, if it is'nt one of his he will guide you in the right direction
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Adam Fulton said:
I had some great views of a winged tagged red kite in Sussex on the 19th March. It definetly had an orange tag on one wing and I think it had a yellow one on the other wing. Alternatively it had a predominatley orange tag with a little bit of yellow on it. Based on this can anyone tell me a little bit more about the bird? or is this combination of tags not unique? I think given recent eagle owl discussions it is best that I don't reveal the location of the bird

The orange tag denotes it was fledged and tagged in 2005 and the yellow tag denotes it as a Chilterns bird. HTH.

Adam Fulton said:
Do you know if any outling pairs to the main Chilterns population were also still tagged with yellow tags?
Cheers Adam

I don't know but try Nigel Snell on: 01491 571687.
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