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Tayforth Birding (8 Viewers)

When I was last up at the Red Head the farmer told me the Corn Buntings in the area were classed as of National importance and that a scheme was in place to help them and support farmers to help. Near the entrance to Ethie Castle there was a sign erected telling you a bit about it.
Oh how lovely!!! It's a long time since I've heard their beautiful song!!!

Thanks K
That song has been described since at least the 1930s as: "A perfect rendition of a starter motor failing to start a car...!" You'll be too young to remember that one!

A more charitable version is "Like endless jingling of keys."πŸ”‘πŸ—οΈπŸ”‘πŸ—οΈπŸ”‘
That song has been described since at least the 1930s as: "A perfect rendition of a starter motor failing to start a car...!" You'll be too young to remember that one!

A more charitable version is "Like endless jingling of keys."πŸ”‘πŸ—οΈπŸ”‘πŸ—οΈπŸ”‘
LOL It's the keys I remember. It was lovely.
bit of a belated report,i had a walkaround backwater resevoir last monday,it was a hot day but very windy,there has been a lot of trees cut down here and the wind comes down the valley right across the resevoir and at times you have to hold your hat on your head,they were still doing cutting when i was there and the only birds at the start of the resevoir were oystercatchers goldfinches and common gulls with 5 fledged youngsters,as i went around the corner the birds started appearing,willow warblers chiffchaffs stonechats meadow pipits and mistle thrushes all with youngsters were there,a sparrowhawk flew in and panicked them all,there was an osprey on show virtually the whole walk,common sandpipers which are usually seen at the start of the resevoir were around at the back,bullfiches and wrens pied wagtails plus ravens were also here ,at the roadside i came across a tiny shrew,the animal was sitting still then running around in a circle i put a vid on facebook as i have never seen this before and a couple of suggestion's have been it has had a stroke or maybe its been bitten by an adder


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Unusual video footage, no idea what would cause such behaviour, I don't think it's an Adder bite, that causes difficulty in breathing, weakness and wobbling in victims rather than rushing about like that.
bit of a belated report,i had a walkaround backwater resevoir last monday,it was a hot day but very windy,there has been a lot of trees cut down here and the wind comes down the valley right across the resevoir and at times you have to hold your hat on your head,they were still doing cutting when i was there and the only birds at the start of the resevoir were oystercatchers goldfinches and common gulls with 5 fledged youngsters,as i went around the corner the birds started appearing,willow warblers chiffchaffs stonechats meadow pipits and mistle thrushes all with youngsters were there,a sparrowhawk flew in and panicked them all,there was an osprey on show virtually the whole walk,common sandpipers which are usually seen at the start of the resevoir were around at the back,bullfiches and wrens pied wagtails plus ravens were also here ,at the roadside i came across a tiny shrew,the animal was sitting still then running around in a circle i put a vid on facebook as i have never seen this before and a couple of suggestion's have been it has had a stroke or maybe its been bitten by an adder
I did a quick Google, and it seems the most likely answer is a brain affecting parasite.
Yes... you beat me to it Paul LOL. Seemed to take quite a while after the first, even though there wasn't much difference in their ages, was there.
Lunchtime, I decided to venture out, as the recent heat seemed to have subsided a little. Reports of Pectoral Sandpiper and White-rumped Sandpiper lured me to Letham. No sign of the W-R S, however, a few other nice birds present with Ruff, LRP and Water Rail seen.


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That's good to know Graham... scarce round me. The usually leave lots of messages on my car but nothing at all this year.

I hear lots of Swifts in the evening though, so they seem to have done well enough.

There's loads of flies here - never had so many. They're an absolute nightmare - no-one seems able to get rid of them. Fly spray is useless!

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