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Tayforth Birding (7 Viewers)

i walked from arbroath to aucmithie today,i done this 2 weeks ago and had my first auks,a raft of 29,today it looks like they have all come back in one massive movement,100,s of kitiwakes sitting on ledges,lots of razorbills with smaller numbers of guilemots plus 1 pair of puffins,i think this is the earliest i have seen puffins,fulmars,herring gulls,shags plus quite a few cormorant were perched on ledges,the cormorants were in pairs,is there any breeding records of cormorants in angus ?,great black backed gulls,yellowhammers,skylarks,curlews,oysercatchers,linnits,kestrel,plus a very close swimming porpoise were seen, highlight was a sinlge male wheatear groundfeeding and jumping between the posts on the path




The only breeding record I have is of 25+ stack nests at Lunan Bay on 17th June 2006. Angus and Dundee Bird Report 2006. Hopefully there will be others when the next edition comes out.
Had my first Spring migrant on Sunday (21/03/10) -a single Chiffchaff at Birnie/Gaddon Lochs (Fife).

I still have a male Blackcap visiting our garden feeders (present since early January).

Images of these birds below:


  • Chiff-chaff.jpg
    106.6 KB · Views: 37
  • Blackcap male 2.jpg
    Blackcap male 2.jpg
    59.9 KB · Views: 29
There was an Osprey at Gartmorn Dam yesterday, plus scores of Sand Martins over the water.

Today at Kinneil Kerse, there was a single Sanderling among the hordes of Redshank.

Great White Egret at Balgarvies Loch near Forfar. Showing well and then moved to Rescobie Loch, next door to Balgarvies.

Greylag geese have taken over the Ospreys nest at Balgarvies and had a battle for it last week!!! Must be a first!!!!

Gosh Darrel is this a first for Angus?

Next stop Kinnordy:-O

I think there has been one at Forfar Loch before!!!?? Someone will put us right!!!

I did mention Kinnordy to it as it flew off!!! Would be nice.


I'm sure they will... is it rare enough for the Rare Birds forum do you think;):cat:

A lovely Spring day yesterday. In the morning at Airthrey Loch I watched a Treecreeper gathering twigs and carrying them into the ivy on a tree

At Culross in the afternoon I saw my first Swallow of the season, first butterfly (Small Tortoiseshell, I think) and first bumblebees close enough to identify (Buff-tailed). Pretty sure I saw a pair of Rock Pipits, but not sure enough to tick.

On the way home I went to see how the Sand Martin nestholes along the Allan Water in Bridge of Allan were getting on and had a beautiful view of a Kingfisher flying up the river.

Today near the Smith in Stirling I saw my first Peacock butterfly. Then at Doune there was a Red Kite (or maybe two), any number of Buzzards and another couple of Swallows.

Still not seen a House Martin this year.

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A good evening's birding at Balgavies Loch, near Forfar. Took a trip up to see if the Great White Egret was around, as well as a Bewick's Swan which had also been reported in the area. As we arrived, a group of Swans departed, 6 Whoopers and the Bewick's Swan. No sign of the Egret though. Couple of Bullfinches around, plus Reed Buntings and Long Tailed Tits. A few Mute Swans plus Greylags, Tufted Ducks and Goldeneye on the loch, plus Cormorants in the trees. Sat in the hide for an hour or so. Sand Martins heading west around sunset. At least 3 Water Rails heard (but still unseen) around the hide area. Decided to head back to the car (parked at the halfway carpark). As I was crossing the stile at the open bit of grass, I saw what looked like a Heron fly in to the trees over the loch to roost. Grabbed the binoculars and was really chuffed to see that it was the Egret. (Had we been a wee bit quicker leaving the hide we'd have missed it). Managed to get a few record shots in the fading light, thankfully. Greylags flew out in a couple of groups, the last group to go containing a rather high-pitched (and noticably so) calling bird. A suspected Bean Goose was reported yesterday, and listening to the recording on the RSPB website, it would appear to be highly likely that was what we heard/saw (hopefully I'll be able to get some detail from the photos I took). All in all, a really good night for me ( 2 lifers).....just a shame the Water Rails didn't show themselves.
Great views of 36 (or so) Little Gulls at Monikie Country Park today, then got a couple of Wheatears and a couple of possible White Wagtails at Easthaven.
We were having lunch on a bench near Kilmahog yesterday, when a bird settled on a bush about 3 metres away. We both raised our binoculars but my wife was first to ID it as a male Crossbill (partly because I had kept my rainguards on as crumb deflectors). For half a minute we had our best ever view of a Crossbill and then it flew off. Soon it was back, slightly further away, this time in the company of female.

The weather's been great this weekend but I have to admit we went absolutely nowhere! Still, we saw four Sea Eagles riding on the thermals, spinning up, up & away! That's the most we've seen in one group so far. We also were overflown by an Osprey. That's the first one I've ever seen and luckily I did have my camera to hand. I've put up a couple of pictures of it in the gallery. I guess it had been fishing at Long Loch and was heading towards Thripley when we saw it. As well as those "exotics" we also saw some wagtails, lapwings & the usual garden birds. Oh, and we saw a couple of woodpeckers too. What a racket they can make.
In Fife again at the moment.
A "raptor watch" from Hill of Tarvit in central Fife this morning yielded 30-40 Buzzards and 5 Sparrowhawks but nothing more interested. Redpoll, Willow Warbler, Jay, GS Woodpecker all heard, and pretty sure i heard a Crossbill but couldn't quite nail it. Also a nasty hybrid crow.

Also had a peregrine one mile east of Ceres and went to the neglected site of Cameron Reservoir late afternoon which yielded 3 Willow Warblers, a Chiffchaff, 2 Redpoll but not a whole lot else.
I was at Morton Lochs by Tayport, Fife this afternoon. Chiffchaffs, willow warbler, little grebes, tufties, teal, greylags, single canada goose, heron, mute swans, goldcrest, treecreeper, coal tits, siskin, buzzards.

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