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Tayforth Birding (7 Viewers)

There were two Hen Harriers and a Red Kite hunting over Bochastle (Kilmahog) today. I glimpsed another Red Kite over towards Coilhallan Wood.

i was at forfar loch today 25/01/10 hoping to see either smew/black throated diver or scaup, i missed all 3, the west end of the loch is ice free and the many water birds were spread all around,a large number of tufted ducks were present i looked for one with grey back but had no luck,7 pochards were seen plus a good number of goldeneyes,wigeon/mallards/shovelar/gadwall/teal/coot/goosander/comorants/common gull/mute swan/bh gull/carrion crow/robin/blackbird/blue tit/dunnock/m/f yellowhammer/m/f reedbunting/goldfinch/4 whoopers flew over heading towards kinnordy ,12 pinfoots flew over heading east and 2 magpies flew low over the loch heading north
There were 3 Bramblings at the feeders next to the big hide this afternoon. One of the Eagles was showing from St Serf's.

I missed the Green-Winged Teal, though.

What happened to the hide at Burleigh? Was it just the force of the ice that knocked the supports?

Both of the hides on the west shore have now been taken in and are being stored until engineers can work out a way of keeping them in place. Shame really. A lot of people use them. The weight of all that ice and the water level dropping was too much for the 8 tonnes of concrete that should hold them in place.

It's quiet on the bird front at Loch Leven. Stuff is coming back slowly. Thems big brute eagles are still bullying the lochs indigenous fauna. There were at least 14000 Pinkies around at the weekend and and one or 2 Mealy Redpolls on the east shore. Lot's of Gulls using the Loch as there is ploughing going on all around.
Now that the loch is finally thawed (well, it's about 70% clear of ice) at Cullaloe, the wildfowl have started to return. When I went along today, our resident Mute Swans had returned, along with approx 100 Teal, 30 Mallard, a lone Tufted Duck and a lone Pintail, which is more than there's been on site for the best part of a month!

The feeders are pretty active, too, with all the usual suspects.... great tit, blue tit, coal tit, chaffinch and greenfinch.

It's finally getting less dull to visit Cullaloe! :)
Both of the hides on the west shore have now been taken in and are being stored until engineers can work out a way of keeping them in place. Shame really. A lot of people use them. The weight of all that ice and the water level dropping was too much for the 8 tonnes of concrete that should hold them in place.

It's definitely a shame. I always preferred the SNH hides to the ones at Vane Farm. They tended to be quieter. I didn't know the boathouse hide had been closed, too... I was in it a week and a half ago!
The three White-tailed Eagles were showing well at Vane Farm today. From outside the first hide we saw two of them being bombed by a couple of Ravens above the hill. Later we saw one on St Serf's showing a wing tag. It took off when someone landed on the island and we followed it as it flew across the loch in front of us. I thought I saw a Buzzard try to bomb it, but the Eagle easily outflew it. My wife reckoned that the Eagle was flying slowly and couldn't/wouldn't have outflown the Buzzard. According to her, the Buzzard was probably just going about its own business. My idea was that the slow flight of the Eagle was probably deceptive and it was probably going much quicker that it looked.

There was one Canada Goose and the first Pochard I've seen this year. In the fields by the Cut were big numbers of Fieldfares and one Mistle Thrush. In the Cut, near the bridge was a Little Grebe. In the pool at Levenmouth were about 30 Whoopers and 16 Herons.

We also saw a skein of geese that seemed much darker than Pink-footed or Greylag, whether seen against the sky or the land. In fact, they seemed completely dark. I was wondering if they were Brent Geese.

As we left, I had to go back for a lens cap and found, when I reached the car, that my wife had been watching a Hen Harrier hovering nearby. It disappeared from sight the moment I arrived.

Any views on either Eagle speed or possible Brent Geese?

At Forfar Loch this afternoon and saw the Black throated Diver half way between the east end and the yaught club. Loads of stuff around - 100s of Tufties and Goldeneye - the most I have seen on this loch anyway but not a regular here. Went to the west end to see if the reported Bean Goose and White fronted goose present but only Greylag. Saw the female Smew at the west end and a drake Great Scaup. Stayed till dusk for the gull roost but no white winged gulls present.

In the morning visited Montrose Basin and had 52 Great Scaup west of the visitor centre together with Pintail and 4 tree sparrows. Then at the Lurgies 3 Barnacle geese amongst thousands of Pinkfeet still on the basin. As high tide approached headed for the Wigeon Hide and had 5 Shoveler with more Pintail, Wigeon and usual waders. Back via the area near the Shelduck hide for 80 Whooper Swans and circa 400 Twite but quite flighty although they graced me long enough by landing on fence wires to get decent views.

Excellent day - especially for me as I have been carless till today so restricted to birding round Perth and 1 trip to an iced over Loch Leven earlier in the month and a walk along the reedbeds near Errol when I didn't see too much.
Went to Forfar Loch on Sunday. No sign of scaup, smew or scarce geese but had stellar views of the diver. It was hemmed into the northeast corner by an ice sheet in the morning, which drifted south during the day so it ranged more widely.



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Went to Forfar Loch on Sunday. No sign of scaup, smew or scarce geese but had stellar views of the diver. It was hemmed into the northeast corner by an ice sheet in the morning, which drifted south during the day so it ranged more widely.


Super photos Rob. I was there yesterday, no sign of the diver or smew, but I did eventually find the scaup, who now has a mate as well. He was following her around everywhere. I checked most of the geese but couldn't see anything other than greylags.
Went to Forfar Loch on Sunday. No sign of scaup, smew or scarce geese but had stellar views of the diver. It was hemmed into the northeast corner by an ice sheet in the morning, which drifted south during the day so it ranged more widely.


Hi edenwatcher. Well done on finding the Black-throated Diver. I am hoping to go to Forfar Loch in search of the diver, Scaup, and the scarcer geese this weekend. However I'm not quite sure where to go to get to Forfar Loch. Can anyone give me any details about the place, its location and how to get to it? If so then that would be much appreciated.


Hi Joseph

Here's a link to the Opus article... at the bottom is a link to a Street Map.

There's a car park at the arrow - then just follow the track along the edge of the loch, heading East, you'll come to the boat house.

WEST, Delia, it's WEST ;) Unless you're going shopping in the town.

Just checking you're all awake;)

Silly me.... as I was typing it, I thought I must get this right. I don't do shoppingo:D

Hi Joseph

Here's a link to the Opus article... at the bottom is a link to a Street Map.

There's a car park at the arrow - then just follow the track along the edge of the loch, heading East, you'll come to the boat house.


Hi Delia,

Thanks very much for the link. I'll make sure I put it to good use.


kinnordy loch

Hi Delia,

Thanks very much for the link. I'll make sure I put it to good use.



Spent 20 mins watching a bittern fishing out in the open at Kinnordy Loch this afternoon, it caught an eel and ate it then carried on hunting. Best view I have ever had of this amazing bird, been lucky enough to have seen it on four previous occasions at the loch. Was really surprised to see it still here considering how frozen the loch has been.
Other birds present were 83 whooper swans, greylag geese, 8 fieldfare, siskins, wigeon, teal,goosander and GS woodpecker.
Spent 20 mins watching a bittern fishing out in the open at Kinnordy Loch this afternoon, it caught an eel and ate it then carried on hunting. Best view I have ever had of this amazing bird, been lucky enough to have seen it on four previous occasions at the loch. Was really surprised to see it still here considering how frozen the loch has been.
Other birds present were 83 whooper swans, greylag geese, 8 fieldfare, siskins, wigeon, teal,goosander and GS woodpecker.

Oooh I didn't know the Bittern was back Gus! Great news.

You seem to have had a good visit.

Hi Delia, can't believe how good a view I had of this beautiful bird ! Sadly my daughter and bob mccurly arrived just as the bird stepped into cover, really frustrating as it was in full view for about 20 minutes. heading off to scone palace tomorrow then vane farm , so hopefully add a couple of species to the tally ! 111 so far, alex on 100 !
how is your wrist ? hopefully see you before too long.
best wishes, gus.
how is your wrist ? hopefully see you before too long.
best wishes, gus.

LOL my car was in hospital last week (flat battery!). I got it back yesterday morning and thought I'd try the short trip to Tesco. I managed (with the splint on) but it wasn't great. However, it shows things are improving - I wouldn't want to do a twisty road trip just yet though.

Typing still isn't that comfortable either.

Spent 20 mins watching a bittern fishing out in the open at Kinnordy Loch this afternoon, it caught an eel and ate it then carried on hunting. Best view I have ever had of this amazing bird, been lucky enough to have seen it on four previous occasions at the loch. Was really surprised to see it still here considering how frozen the loch has been.
Other birds present were 83 whooper swans, greylag geese, 8 fieldfare, siskins, wigeon, teal,goosander and GS woodpecker.

Noticed that I missed that yesterday whilst being at Forfar Loch. I now regret not having my phone for checking birdguides! Anyway, well done.

Forfar Loch yesterday was positively thriving with winter wildfowl, with plenty of Goosanders, Goldeneyes, Mallards, Teals and Tufted Ducks, as well as a few Pochards and Shovelers. Managed to find the drake Scaup amongst a group of tufties too, but no sign of the Smew or the Black-throated Diver surprisingly. There were a good number of Greylags at the north side of the Loch and on a bank, amongst about 20 or so Greylags, was the Tundra Bean Goose. It showed brilliantly. Other birds of note included 2 Kingfishers and a cracking flock of 30 or so winter Siskin. The White-fronted Goose however was elusive and didn't show on our trip to what I must say was a beautiful loch. ;)

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