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Problem with green coating of EL SV 8x32 (2 Viewers)

It is interesting that there still does not seem to be a single photograph of an NL Pure with degraded armour. The NL Pure came out around three years ago - surely enough time for the armour to break down if it was affected in the same way?
Oh it's starting to happen for sure. The material in both appears to be the same. Some mentions in this thread already, would be great if some photos could be shared for the non-believers.

Probably a combination of being newer, more expensive, so there are fewer of them in the wild compared to the EL Fieldpros that have been around for twice as long.
I don't recall anyone claiming the majority of the owners have problems with the coating of their NLs. Also I'd be quite surprised if the majority of NL owners had a problem. My impression is that many NLs owned by the people on this forum live a sort of "sheltered life" - they are in many cases only one of several binoculars and not used all the time, in all sorts of conditions. Other NLs, however, are used a lot, many hours a day, every day. That obviously does make a huge difference.

By the way, two local birders (who are NOT on BF ... :cool: ) own NLs, 8x42 and 8x32. They are hardcore birders and use their binoculars a lot, every day. The NLs are the only binoculars they use. Both pairs look pretty worn already, with the armour beginning to show cracks under their thumbs. That's in a moderate climate. Neither uses DEET.

It may be worth remembering what Swarovski says about their armour:

"The armoring on the instruments in question is made of plastic (TPU). This material contains no plasticizers or protective agents, is low in allergens, and is biodegradable. As with all our products, we recommend regularly cleaning the surface of the instrument with a mild detergent and a damp cloth.
The particular properties of this material mean that optical changes such as clear abrasion, tears, and cracks may occur in the armoring when the product is subjected to frequent use."
(Quote from EL 10x42 casing deterioration.)

That last sentence says it all.


Same Problem with the Coating on my 2 1/2 year old NL 8x42. The Rubber gets sticky and began to tear.
Have also a Problem with the Fokkus. Comes over time a gap in the wheel. Now when I fokkus from infinity to 30 meters, the left and right channel runs not parallel. Have to fokkus up and down, than it works. In higher temperatures it works better than in colder.
Don’t like to send it to Swarovski because the repair Time is to longe at the moment. And like to wait for a better coating in the future I hope. Think to send it in now the Bino comes back with a new but same crap coating than now.
Optical one of my favorite Bino, but the quality compared to my older and newer Zeiss is a Joke.
I bet the Zeiss advocates are cocking their sides at us muppets buying swarovski, (myself included) especially the clowns that have bought the NLs :)
No well I don't think so any way and I am a fan of Zeiss sf but that does not mean I would find any of these troubles amusing quite the opposite.
I bet the Zeiss advocates are cocking their sides at us muppets buying swarovski, (myself included) especially the clowns that have bought the NLs :)

Zeiss aren't exactly problem free and they've had armour problems in the past. I don't think any of the big binocular companies have a faultless track record, but all have ben pretty good at sorting out issues eventually.
IMO the hype train is way out of control here! I bird with people from my club that have EL's, a dozen or more people, I've never seen a pair with armor issues. Might want to hit "pause" before gathering the mob to do a "Bastille Day" on Swaro headquarters :)

It reminds of Nikon EDG, where internet hype says the armor separates from the body, the diopter slips, etc. My pair is absolute perfection, I'm so glad I wasn't scared off by the hype. I bought these binos knowing I could never get them serviced by Nikon USA. Swaro offers the best support in the business, if something's defective you send it back.

I don't think people are even criticizing the right thing - TPU is Thermoplastic polyurethane, it's synthetic plastic, I doubt the problems have to do with greenwashing this product. TPU is not something you can throw in the compost pile.
No evidence?
I also would like to see some pictures of the NL with damaged armouring. Can’t find any here, nor when I google for it.
Owned EL’s, never experienced any armoring problems. Neither seen or heard fellow birders complaining about faulty armor. And using my bino’s a lot in all kinds of weather.
So I don’t feel a clown buying the NL’s an CL’s They are excellent Bino’s in my humble opinion!
I can imagine. What's odd is it doesn't seem to have affected everyone, and I've not seen any reports of people having to return a pair for a second time, which is also odd if people are saying 2-3 yrs lifespan. I do wonder whether some batches were better than others, but it's all guesswork.
Thats exactly what I was thinking. Very odd, a conundrum.
IMO the hype train is way out of control here! I bird with people from my club that have EL's, a dozen or more people, I've never seen a pair with armor issues. Might want to hit "pause" before gathering the mob to do a "Bastille Day" on Swaro headquarters :)

It reminds of Nikon EDG, where internet hype says the armor separates from the body, the diopter slips, etc. My pair is absolute perfection, I'm so glad I wasn't scared off by the hype. I bought these binos knowing I could never get them serviced by Nikon USA. Swaro offers the best support in the business, if something's defective you send it back.

I don't think people are even criticizing the right thing - TPU is Thermoplastic polyurethane, it's synthetic plastic, I doubt the problems have to do with greenwashing this product. TPU is not something you can throw in the compost pile.
Aaaand the apologists and defenders are back. "It's a user issue, not Swarovski's fault!"

Good for you, this thread isn't for you then. Happy birding.

Best support in the business? Having to pay the local distributor US$160 to ship it back, every 2-3 years. How's that for great support.

Swarovski themselves have said that:

1. The material has been changed due to new regulations to be more environmentally friendly

2. The material can degrade with exposure to "sweat, heat, and moisture"

3. They are working on a solution to solve this issue.

And yet...

"There's no problem here, move along people!"
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I also would like to see some pictures of the NL with damaged armouring. Can’t find any here, nor when I google for it.
Owned EL’s, never experienced any armoring problems. Neither seen or heard fellow birders complaining about faulty armor. And using my bino’s a lot in all kinds of weather.
So I don’t feel a clown buying the NL’s an CL’s They are excellent Bino’s in my humble opinion!
Pics or it didn't happen
I can imagine. What's odd is it doesn't seem to have affected everyone, and I've not seen any reports of people having to return a pair for a second time, which is also odd if people are saying 2-3 yrs lifespan. I do wonder whether some batches were better than others, but it's all guesswork.
FWIW someone has shared with me their first-hand experience of replacing the disintegrating armour, then kept it aside in a dry cabinet for 2 years due to the pandemic, and when they started using it again, it soon started disintegrating for the 2nd time.
Aaaand the apologists and defenders are back. It's a user issue, not Swarovski's fault.

Good for you, this thread isn't for you then. Happy birding.
The thread is 10 pages long, there's plenty of room for me here, and anybody else that wants to post.

I never apologized for anyone! Sure, it's a defect from Swarovski. Very simple solution for people with defective armor that now hate Swarovski products is 1) get them fixed, for free 2) sell them 3) buy something else. No need for 10 pages of angst. Personally, the thumb grooves were enough to stop me from buying EL's. Much worse than some fractional chance of armor problems, that get fixed for free.

I'm suggesting people worry only about the things they can control in life - it leads to happiness. People want to go out and evangelize and convince others not to buy from Swarovski? What's the point of that. It's definitely not going to work. All the birders around here love Swarovksi. All the professional guides and veteran birders I know use them. None of them post in internet forums, ever. What does that say about these obsessive 20-page threads? It says they're dysfunctional behavior.
Pics or it didn't happen
Pictures would sure be convincing, seems some here have an interest in "bashing" Swarovski..... Everyone who have good experience with the brand gets smacked also on this forum...So again, show some pictures instead of complaining. I'm not convinced that it's a big problem anyway, since the only complaints are on this forum and not anywhere else.....
Would like to add that it's clear there is a batch EL's that does have problems. But what percentage of all sold EL's??
Every brand has had his share of problems. How they deal with it is more important. Swarovski still has an excellent way of dealing with complaints, fixing it for free.
Very simple solution for people with defective armor that now hate Swarovski products is 1) get them fixed, for free 2) sell them 3) buy something else. No need for 10 pages of angst. Personally, the thumb grooves were enough to stop me from buying EL's. Much worse than some fractional chance of armor problems, that get fixed for free.
Again, it is not fixed for free.

Swarovski expects the customer to send it back on their own dime. For some of us it will cost over a hundred bucks each time. For a non-permanent solution (i.e. not really a fix).
Pictures would sure be convincing, seems some here have an interest in "bashing" Swarovski..... Everyone who have good experience with the brand gets smacked also on this forum...So again, show some pictures instead of complaining. I'm not convinced that it's a big problem anyway, since the only complaints are on this forum and not anywhere else.....
Sure! Here's another source other than "this forum", the "Swarovski Binoculars User" group on Facebook.

Plenty of people documenting with evidence the same issue on their newer model EL, SLC.

(Photos belong to the respective owners)


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