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Norfolk Butterflies and Moths (5 Viewers)

Checked Vinegar Pond on Mousehold again today. Still no Green Hairstreaks, only Comma, Peacock and very distant urn identified White.
Only white, so far

This Green-veined White was in Wells Woods on Saturday.

I can't say I can recall this blue colouration (of the 'hairy body') before; is it a freshly-hatched thing ?

I saw NO butterflies yesterday !


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Plenty of Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshells at Strumpshaw yesterday, plus two Orange Tips circling around each other - my first of the year. No Brimstones this week, though.

A few more butterflies on the wing, today- mainly Peacocks, tho' no Commas.

Several Green-veined Whites at Holkham, west of Lady Anne’s, and my FoY male Orange Tip.

However, the area, as are most I regularly visit, is still fairly flower-less.


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Me too

Checked Vinegar Pond on Mousehold again today. Still no Green Hairstreaks, only Comma, Peacock and very distant urn identified White.

I did the same thing today and saw exactly the same as you including a few unidentified whites. Did see Holly Blue though but no sign of green hairstreaks at all.
Anyone got any idea when the Green Hairstreaks should appear, it is getting late for their emergence.

Collins suggests that the single flight period (Univoltine) is between March - June, with the occassional July sighting. Given that nature is somewhat delayed this year, then factoring this, period, survival rates and my posting should result in one being reported today.
Green Hairstreak

Anyone got any idea when the Green Hairstreaks should appear, it is getting late for their emergence.

I see that the first record (in Hampshire) was on 11th April so must be due to emerge anytime now. The Gorse is looking really fresh. Might try again this afternoon as temperature is fine again. Forecast is for a run of nice weather so that should surely drag them out soon.

Good look in your search.
Will probably try again on Sunday for the hairstreaks if the weather remains good. Do post if you see any. Meanwhile I have just been buzzed by a male Orange Tip as I sit in the garden typing this.
Green Hairstreak

Will probably try again on Sunday for the hairstreaks if the weather remains good. Do post if you see any. Meanwhile I have just been buzzed by a male Orange Tip as I sit in the garden typing this.

Spent an hour or so at Mousehold around the vinegar pond but absolutely nothing. Might try tomorrow as working all weekend.
I saw my first speckled wood on the year at Swanton Novers today and yesterday the first orange tip , though plenty of orange tips about today. I had a good look for green hairstreaks at a regular N Norfolk coastal site 2 days ago , but no sign.
Spent an hour or so at Mousehold around the vinegar pond but absolutely nothing. Might try tomorrow as working all weekend.

Another fruitless search for green hairstreak at Mousehold Heath today. Unless I am rubbish at spotting a butterfly (possible) then saw nothing that resembles one on the carpet of gorse around the vinegar pond.

My only thought is that the cold nights that we have had are holding back their emergence.
FoY Speckled Wood at Stiffkey, yesterday.

Still agonisingly few butterflies on the wing (mainly Peacocks and Small Torts), but more Whites and Orange Tips have emerged.
You might have more luck at Mousehold for Green Hairstreaks looking at the top of the bank off St James Hill. The colony there was slightly larger than that by Vinegar Pond
Finally saw a Green Hairstreak on Mousefold - on St James Hill. Just the solitary Greeny. Plenty of Small Whites, Holly Blues and Orange Tips, plus a few Commas, Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks.
Grizzled Skipper seen Friday at Leziate country park. We ought to be seeing Walls around now as well - worth looking if your on the coast tomorrow.
Below is an image of a caterpillar of The Drinker moth. (Thanks for the ID, Martin.)

It was at Gramboro’, yesterday.


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