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Lancashire Birding (9 Viewers)

My parents went for a walk along Lancaster Canal this afternoon between Cockerham Road and the Glasson turn off, so I tagged along. A big surprise came in the form of a female Marsh Harrier which appeared from the south and headed purposefully north over Ellel Grange, got some rubbish photos which I will post later. No sign of any Kingfishers :-C reflecting how scarce they are all over the Fylde this year, and also no Jays (when will I see one this year!:C). 73 Mallards (52 adult (46m, 6f), 21 young (1, 13, 7), 2 Mute Swans nesting, 2 Swifts and several Chiffchaffs the only other sightings of note.
In the second half of the watch there were quite a lot of Arctic Terns coming back south in the distance before heading east again past us


Terns migrating in flocks don't behave like single ducks, it isn't the best comparison.

If a lot of terns were circuiting I am not sure how a precise total like 171 east can be arrived at. In those circumstances I would stop counting or if movement was predominantly in one direction use an estimate.



Terns migrating in flocks don't behave like single ducks, it isn't the best comparison.

If a lot of terns were circuiting I am not sure how a precise total like 171 east can be arrived at. In those circumstances I would stop counting or if movement was predominantly in one direction use an estimate.



sorry I wasn't really trying to make a comparison more just an observation :-O and yes I stopped counting the terns after they started to head back the other way about 9:45
sorry I wasn't really trying to make a comparison more just an observation :-O and yes I stopped counting the terns after they started to head back the other way about 9:45

Fair enough. Nice one with the Marsh Harrier, haven't seen a spring one on the Fylde for years though clearly they are a bit easier in autumn.

Another great sea-watch off Rossall Point this morning, although there weren't high numbers of any species the quality and views certainely made up for it! Totals between 06:50-11:10:

6 Little Tern (all together close in o:D, my first in the Fylde)
78 Arctic Tern
2 Sandwich Tern
adult Little Gull
14 Gannet

male Long Tailed Duck (sat on sea just offshore for 10 minutes giving amazing views!)
2 Goosander (male and female on sea then flew east)
8 Shelduck
5 Red Breasted Merganser
1 Red Throated Diver
30+ Eider
30+ Common Scoter

21 Bar Tailed Godwit (several in full summer plumage)
6 Whimbrel
1 Snipe over
2 Knot (1 summer plumage)
1 Common Sandpiper on beach (very rare here)
400+ Dunlin
1 Curlew
50+ Oystercatcher
20+ Ringed Plover
10+ Turnstone
10+ Sanderling

male Peregrine (hunting waders on beach, flew right over our heads stunning views had)

134 Swallow
4 Swift
5 Sand Martin
1 House Martin
1 Tree Pipit
17 Meadow Pipit
42 Goldfinch
1 Chaffinch
1 Greenfinch
6 Wheatear
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I walk round the grange regularly especially in the wood round the gardens, the cooks leave out food for a couple of Tramps its a very friendly place i dont think anyone will quote the its private rule to you, but like anywhere else you have to conduct yourself proper;)
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My third and final seawatch of the long weekend off Rossall Point from 06:25-11:15 this morning, which although the longest produced surprisingly few birds. Totals are:

1 Arctic Skua (dark morph)
102 Arctic Tern
6 Sandwich Tern
5 Gannet
10 Red Breasted Merganser
1 Red Throated Diver
9 Shelduck
13 Whimbrel
1 Bar Tailed Godwit

2 male Whinchat (golf course)
3 Yellow Wagtail over
107 Swallow
4 Sand Martin
2 House Martin
1 Swift
4 Lesser Redpoll
41 Goldfinch
3 Wheatear
25 Meadow Pipit
3 Pied Wagtail
My third and final seawatch of the long weekend off Rossall Point from 06:25-11:15 this morning, which although the longest produced surprisingly few birds. Totals are:

1 Arctic Skua (dark morph)
102 Arctic Tern
6 Sandwich Tern
5 Gannet
10 Red Breasted Merganser
1 Red Throated Diver
9 Shelduck
13 Whimbrel
1 Bar Tailed Godwit

With a later tide and winds still in the wrong direction for everything other than Arctic Terns sounds about right to me rather than surprisingly low.

In terms of Ellel Grange they have politely asked groups, including well behaved ones, to leave but if you can get permission to go in on your own that's great.

Not confirmed but per birdguides:

17:54 02/05/11 Golden Eagle Lancs Pilling Moss
an adult flew south over Union Lane/Lancaster Road junction late afternoon

Just thought people would like to know incase it was one!
Not confirmed but per birdguides:

17:54 02/05/11 Golden Eagle Lancs Pilling Moss
an adult flew south over Union Lane/Lancaster Road junction late afternoon

Just thought people would like to know incase it was one!

Crikey - know anyone who's lost one? Saw one in Yorkshire once (wild? - 'probably') and have heard of others in Lancs so someone has hit lucky.:eat::eat::eat:


Grey PArtridge on dirt track area of Wallend Road today, accidentally disturbed from cover but a great sighting a bird becoming quite rare.
For anyone who is interested a few local sightings for today:

Kentish Plover at Cockersands Abbey (female on the Lune Estuary at Plover Scar)
Wood Sandpiper Mythop
14 Black Tern lingering off Heysham
Iberian Chiffchaff Blackpool (possible male singing just east of Devonshire Road at Devonshire Road Rock Gardens early morning)
Kentish Plover showed very well off Cockersand this evening about 50 metres off the sea wall with a flock of Dunlin and a few Ringed Plover allowing a good comparison. Also 5 Yellow Wagtails (1 male, 4 female) in the first field along the bank from the car park, with the horses in it.
A great find by Pete Woodruff to go with the White-winged Black Tern in the same area a few years back.

I don't suppose Pete will read this but well done anyway.

2 Temminick's Stints on the entrance pools at Newton Marsh today, can show well however usually distant and are quite often out of view
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