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Lancashire Birding (1 Viewer)

Male or female? The Marton Mere bird was in situ that morning.

If it was sufficiently distinctive it would have been worth putting out at the time. There are plenty of people who don't mind checking these records out even if they turn out to be something less exciting.

Is this where the GN Diver is today?


It would have been a male. I was going off the beak colour and lack of tuft but it was some distance away.

I have no idea here the GN diver is. It was on the Marine Lake for a while but I've not heard any reports about it for three weeks or so.
It would have been a male. I was going off the beak colour and lack of tuft but it was some distance away.

I have no idea here the GN diver is. It was on the Marine Lake for a while but I've not heard any reports about it for three weeks or so.

Grey flanks with a white vertical stripe near the chest are probably the best ID feature at any range.

There was a GN Diver reported south east of Freeport yesterday.

Smew still on the ribble at brockholes though 100m downstream from the entrance at 4pm.
Also a Jack Snipe in Bamber Bridge over the last 4 days.

Good New Years Day birding today around the Fylde area. Started off with the Iceland Gull showing well on the ice at Preston Docks. Then across to Cottam Brickworks and after 20 minutes the Willow Tit showed well on the food that had been put down. There were Waxwings flying around this area and I had a flock of 6+ over the main road when driving away. From here we went up the A6, stopping briefly at Brock where a Dipper was seen feeding in the river from the road bridge, then it was on to Over Wyre where the best birds were a family party of 6 Bewick's Swans at Fluke Hall and lots of Yellowhammer at Bradshaw Lane. 61 species in all today.
Yearlist continues to grow for the past few days, an afternoon at Marton Mere yesterday produced fab views of the Bittern, as well as 5+ Long Eared Owls. Today I went to Warton Marsh and got good views of Hen Harrier, merlin and Peregrine Falcon.
Managed to miss the Red Necked Grebe this evening at Fairhaven. Had to get the bus there from school but got there as the light was going so failed to locate it :-C:-C really hope it stays 2 more days

Am I the only one using this thread at the moment? Nobody else has posted this year so far
I have nothing to post!
I went to see the grebe late afternoon yesterday and had good views. Hope it stays around for you.
40 divers off Starr Gate at lunchtime. Colin Bushell had a Green-Winged Teal at Hesketh Out Marsh today.


I noticed the GWteal on the RBAMap and through a bit of deductive reasoning decided that's where it probably was seen but I just don't understand why that map consistently places some markers a considerable distance from the actual location! Gets very confusing.

I've been enjoying the garden birds too much to want to venture out and as I have a very spacious, well heated hide with tea-making facilities close to hand and got it all to myself to boot you can probably understand my decision. ;)
I've been enjoying the garden birds too much to want to venture out and as I have a very spacious, well heated hide with tea-making facilities close to hand and got it all to myself to boot you can probably understand my decision. ;)

Now this I can agree with.

For me a possible Goldcrest in my garden of all places. Then again not to far from Stanley Park so a high possibility it was, need to spend alot of the weekend keeping my eyes on the garden again..... plus my 4 week old daughter.

Holme Road in Preston walking up the Ribble yesterday brought 2 x Jays, 8 x Redwings, 2 large flocks of Long Tailed Tits, 8 x Magpies and 10 x Teal. Nice little area to walk that.
Now this I can agree with.

For me a possible Goldcrest in my garden of all places. Then again not to far from Stanley Park so a high possibility it was, need to spend alot of the weekend keeping my eyes on the garden again..... plus my 4 week old daughter.

Holme Road in Preston walking up the Ribble yesterday brought 2 x Jays, 8 x Redwings, 2 large flocks of Long Tailed Tits, 8 x Magpies and 10 x Teal. Nice little area to walk that.

Surveyed that area for the Lancs Atlas and it was quite productive. Did a BBS around Cop Lane and the park for several years that was pretty good too.

Now this I can agree with.

For me a possible Goldcrest in my garden of all places. Then again not to far from Stanley Park so a high possibility it was, need to spend alot of the weekend keeping my eyes on the garden again..... plus my 4 week old daughter.

Even in Blackpool if you have a tree in your garden you will get the odd Goldcrest drop by. I think I have had them in all the Blackpool tetrads I do for the Atlas in 1s or 2s.

Am I the only one using this thread at the moment? Nobody else has posted this year so far

Been depressed since going back to work on Tuesday, was a HUGE lottery win really too much to ask Santa for?

Sightings of note for me since New Years day have been, Bittern on NY day @ Marton Mere.

Buzzard, Sparrowhawk & 2 x Water Rail on 03/01/11 @ Marton Mere

Red-necked Grebe on 04/01 & 05/01 @ Fairhaven Lake

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Stephen is there a list to what the BTO has listed for sighting in Blackpool?

Looking more likely it is a Goldcrest then.....happy days!!!

Awesome pics again Cliff, one day ill see my local Bittern!!!

Off to Fairhaven at lunch for the Red Necked Grebe, so if you see a lonely man pushing a green pram stop and say hi as that will be me and my baby daughter on our first spotting outing together.
Stephen is there a list to what the BTO has listed for sighting in Blackpool?


Yes there is. If you go on the Atlas website (you may have to register if you haven't) you can request 10 summaries each day. You can ask for a whole 10km square or individual 2km x 2km tetrads. You have to stipulate winter or summer, but you could search on each to get a complete list for the tetrad you live in (for example).


Grebe still present & showing yesterday although we managed to arrive in a Blizzard!


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I see Brockholes Nature Reserve is on BBC Countryfile, 7pm Sunday 9th January (and often repeated during the week, or available on iplayer if you miss it).
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