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Lancashire Birding (7 Viewers)

Iceland Gull still showing very well this evening from the dock side opposite Morrisons

I popped back about half four on the way back from the Great Northern Diver at Fleetwood and it was still on the pontoons amongst the numerous Black-headed Gulls


Have a few pics on my blog
The Iceland Gull was showing very well early on - on the pontoons, then on McDonalds roof and then back for bread that a helpful chap from Clitheroe had had the foresight to bring with him!

The waxwings on Euston Street were actually ranging from there, east over the railway lines to by the new uni buildings at Leighton Street - where there are still some berry laden trees. Also feeding on the corner of Gerrard Street and Kingswood Street but that tree is nearly finished.
Iceland Gull still present this evening, waited for over an hour before it was finally spotted on the water right by the wall at 15:40, no idea how it had managed to slip in un-noticed!

The Iceland Gull was showing very well early on - on the pontoons, then on McDonalds roof and then back for bread that a helpful chap from Clitheroe had had the foresight to bring with him!

The waxwings on Euston Street were actually ranging from there, east over the railway lines to by the new uni buildings at Leighton Street - where there are still some berry laden trees. Also feeding on the corner of Gerrard Street and Kingswood Street but that tree is nearly finished.

Was down at the Docks 08.00am Sunday.
Iceland Gull, close on nearest pontoon then took off after someone decided to throw a loaf of bread out, thereby raising 30+ odd black-headed gulls; whereupon Iceland Gull disappeared to the east end, opposite the pub and swam around the middle until I departed about 08.40 as clearly wasn't going to move within reasonable range (for me).

Patrolled Ribble Pilot car park (mistle thrush), Euston St, no waxwings. Tried the Uni about 9.00 am, Leighton St, Victoria St, Fleetwood St... no sightings of Waxwings.

I guess everyone's experiences are different, or times and specific locations might help?

8 magpies and 8 Blackbirds on east Victoria St apparently fighting over certain trees with berries. Ne pas de waxwings.
Me and the wife saw the Waxwings oneuston st about 70 at 1ish. Fairhaven lake also visited with little grebe and female Goldeneye the main sightings
Was down at the Docks 08.00am Sunday.
Iceland Gull, close on nearest pontoon then took off after someone decided to throw a loaf of bread out, thereby raising 30+ odd black-headed gulls; whereupon Iceland Gull disappeared to the east end, opposite the pub and swam around the middle until I departed about 08.40 as clearly wasn't going to move within reasonable range (for me).

Patrolled Ribble Pilot car park (mistle thrush), Euston St, no waxwings. Tried the Uni about 9.00 am, Leighton St, Victoria St, Fleetwood St... no sightings of Waxwings.

I guess everyone's experiences are different, or times and specific locations might help?

8 magpies and 8 Blackbirds on east Victoria St apparently fighting over certain trees with berries. Ne pas de waxwings.

Hello Gradders52 - it was on the pontoon at around 7.45am then disappeared and I saw it fly towards McDs so I guess we were there at the same time then - I'd have said hello id I'd known. As for the bread to be fair to the bloke who had it, it did bring the gull in and I think that's why it left McDonalds - where I was watching it from their car park to head back to the dock to feed with the BHGs. There were two Waxwings - one looked a bit ill [puffed up and not flying with the rest] in the tall trees at the top of Euston Street at 9.11am [single bird photo] and then a feeding flock of about thirty at 9.16am [other shot] on Gerrard Street/Kingswood Street. It must have been about 8.30 when the flock descended and then abandoned the trees near the uni but I could still hear them somewhere near there before I headed back to the Euston Street area.


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I think the birder in question was Mike Watson as he was trying to do the same on saturday morning whilst I was there though without success as the bird had already fed. You can check his blog out via mine or google 'Mike Watson's diaries'

Also thanks for the comments re my rant or complaint about feeling inadequate hahahaha.

One day i'll have that lens, until then I may just stick to my usual photography of anything but not set my goals to high with certain wildlife shots. And osprey66 thanks for the comment on my site and images, it helps me out alot seeing words like that.

Apologies if my previous posting appeared 'brusk'... I just seem to be having a year when I turn up at the wrong time in the right place. Grump, sulk, grump!:C

The Phalarope at Fairhaven, ten feet away except in middle of the lake when I get there (several times). Patrolled Preston streets for 14 days... I'll be getting pulled up!! for waxwings to no avail.:C Euston St when it's raining, grey and miserable.:C Iceland Gull... close then clears off. I must bathe more regularly!;)

150ish waxwings on Euston St between 12.10 and 12.45... skittish and nearly cleared the trees of berries... so be on he move in next day or two.

Icelandic Gull showing well at 10.40am and 12.50 on or near pontoons. Plenty of bread being hurled in by several people. Was taking what it could when it could. Mute Swans seeing it off at 10.30am. :t:

On Sunday, 6 magpies and 8 blackbirds 'fighting' over berry trees on Victoria St. Be interesting to see where the waxwings turn up next... I'll have been there!... in the rain!!! :-C
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Headed over to nelson way on my lunch break again today and turning into a right little haven river side. About 10 black tailed godwits skitting up and down the bank. Male and female Bullfinch behind the trainworks showing well. Other sightings 15 long tailed tits, Jay, Redwing, Cormorant, Grey Heron and blue tits. After that walk I decided tonight I will start a blog on my wildlife sightings.....keep an eye out.
Sorry forgot the id pic any help please thought they might be Twite or Redpoll

Look like Corn Bunting to me... but I know nowt, Stephen or someone will put us right I'm sure... or post on the Id forum? (Where were they? Looks like edge of a stubble field which would be 'typical')

I've stuffed my Iceland Gull and Waxwings on

If you can be ar*ed looking, I wouldn't.

Sprawk I photo'd through the windscreen at the weekend.


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