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Lancashire Birding (13 Viewers)

Leighton Moss - am - Cetti's Warbler x2 calling and giving good views along the Causeway plus Beaded Tit x2. Northern Pintail x2 from Public Hide. Buzzard over head.

Challan Hall/Gait Barrows - Marsh Tit x5, Jay 6-8, Green Woodpecker, GSW, Treecreeper. Cormorant and Goldeneye (fem) on Haweswater. Redwing c.20, Mistle Thrush x6-8, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk x2, Kestrel. Deer x2.

Arnside - Goosander x3.
Been absent from this forum for a few months as I tend to concentrate on macro rather than birding photography over the summer months & have just started making the switch back over recent weeks.

Sightings squeezed in whilst working today included 2 x Whooper Swans @ Backsands Lane, Pilling, where there were also 20+ Curlew & 10+ Redshank, Fluke Hall Lane, Pilling - lots of Pink footed Geese, probably 1000+ with more flying in/flying over. Union Lane, Pilling - 1 x Buzzard.

A few hours at Marton Mere on saturday produced sightings of 15+ Fieldfare flying overhead, along with similar numbers of Redwing a few of which were feeding on hawthorn berries, a dozen plus Long-tailed tits, also Cetti's Warblers singing from a few different locations, one of which I got a dodgy record shot of from the green container hide.

I've attached a few photos from today, saturday & from my previous trip to the Mere.




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5,000+ Starlings on Rawcliffe Moss at the weekend (16/17 Oct) on stubble fields... then headed towards Blackpool at dusk. Any news on the Starling roost... are they back at M Mere or at north pier, or elsewhere?

Johnny1 – thought of the library? Perhaps even the Blackpool and Fylde College Library – particularly the wildlife photgraphy/illustration courses, possibly at Palatine Road – good source of reference for students? Donated by.... (name in lights).

Good to see Cliff back and some crackin photos as always.
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Any news on the Starling roost... are they back at M Mere or at north pier, or elsewhere?

I've been seeing decent numbers at North Pier around 5.30'ish as I drive by, althought funnily enough I couldn't see any tonight although the sun was in my eyes |8)| .

Good to see Cliff back and some crackin photos as always.

Why thank you kind sir |:d|

Todays sightings - it started well - a Grey Wagtail visiting our pond, the first for several months, it evaded the camera.

Next up, approx 25 Whooper Swans @ Fluke Hall Lane, where there were also a LOT of Pink footed geese, dunno how many, I was considering counting their legs and dividing by two.

Later, a late lunch at Marton Mere, a dog walker told me 8 Whoopers had landed on the Mere, a lady advised she'd seen a Cetti's from the green container hide - my sightings included 1 x Buzzard, 20+ Teal, 20+ Shoveler and the main spectacle were all the Fieldfare flying over, well over a hundred, probably many more, many were feeding in the fields adjacent to the reserve (along with a lot of Linnets) and also in the reserves trees - fantastic to watch.

I've attached a few photos, I'll add more to my website later.



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I've attached a few photos, I'll add more to my website later.


I want your job!

Some crackin birds in flight images.
So difficult to achieve.
Excellent well done.

Green w e (sulk)
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We've just spent a very pleasant week staying in a cottage at Challan Hall which backs onto Gait Barrows nature reserve.

Daily visiting the garden feeders - Marsh Tit x4, Nuthatch x2, Coal Tit c.12 plus Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Pheasant and a persistent if unsuccessful Sparrowhawk. On the last day a Treecreeper dropped in as well.

Most days 2-3 deer and several rabbits were in the garden or field behind the cottage. In the hedges/trees - Jay 6+, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Fieldfare, Redwing, Chiffchaff, Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Green Woodpecker. Each evening 200-300 Starlings wheeled around over Haweswater.

A walk around Haweswater yielded several Water Rail, a female Goldeneye and a Cormorant. Lots of Nuthatch, Jay and Treecreeper in the woods.

Each day we spent a couple of hours at Leighton Moss the highlight being the Bearded Tits with a confirmed count of 30 (from the rings by Keith) on the grit trays on Tuesday. The same day we saw a flock of another 20 on the path to the Tim Allen hide many of which weren't ringed. Up to our leaving 101 have been ringed afresh this year just short of the 103 ringed last year. Apparently there were around 30 breeding pairs this year. The oldest bird we saw was a male now seven years old - about the max for this species. Whilst watching the Bearded Tits we saw our first Whooper Swans of the year when two passed over heading east.

Most days especially earlier in the week a pair of Cetti's Warbler were often seen and heard by the grit trays. None were seen on Thursday but one was back on Firday morning.

We dipped on the Marsh Harrier that was seen earlier in the week and on the Great White Egret but we did spot a Bittern from the Public Hide. Also present there were around a dozen Pintail a Goldeneye ad lots of Teal, Wigeon, Mallard etc. Actually we may have seen the Marsh Harrier perched in trees by the Lower Hide but it was too distant for certain to distinguish it from maybe a Buzzard instead. Several Sparrowhawks were viewd from Public Hide as well.

Elsewhere on the reserve we saw Treecreeper c.12, Siskin x3, Nutchatch, Bullfinch, Goldcrest c.20, Marsh Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Water Rail plus the usual ducks, tits and finches and a couple of deer.

We only made one visit to the Eric Morcambe Hide where the main birds of note where the c.500 Black-tailed Godwit roosting, Greenshank 7-8, and a Kingfisher were the most interest. Several Little Egret and a Peregrine were on the saltmarsh. As we headed back to the car a Raven passed over heading east.


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THANKS for the report and STUNNING photos.
Even greener with envy than over Cliff now. (What gear you using?).
Bearded Tit and Godwits are F>A>B> award winners them!
(Which always surprises me about BBC Countryside Calendar, there are SO MANY great Bird images out there... their calendar is a bit iffy... I blame the judges...'ahh that's nice').

Must get a trip to Leighton Moss in soon.

Not that the other two photos are GREAT too..
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THANKS for the report and STUNNING photos.
Even greener with envy than over Cliff now. (What gear you using?).
Bearded Tit and Godwits are F>A>B> award winners them!
(Which always surprises me about BBC Countryside Calendar, there are SO MANY great Bird images out there... their calendar is a bit iffy... I blame the judges...'ahh that's nice').

Must get a trip to Leighton Moss in soon.

Not that the other two photos are GREAT too..

They were taken with a Canon 7D + Canon 400mm f5,6 lens. The Bearded Tit also had a Canon 1.4x teleconverter + Kenko 1.5x teleconverter fitted.
Sort of stealing an idea from Cheshire Birder on the Cheshire and Wirrall thread i am going to start to do a daily round up of the more scarce birds in the county for everyone to see, so starting today:

Great Grey Shrike still present north of the Morrcock Inn at Waddington Fell this morning.

A Rough Legged Buzzard was seen west of Belmont Reservoir on moor near Rivington Road

Great White Egret again at the roost at Leighton Moss after being around the reserve most of the day

2 Black Redstarts continue to be seen around the buildings at Winter Hill

A pair of male Bearded Tits dropped into the reeds at the Harrier Hide at WWT Martin Mere

No reports either way of the 1st winter Red Breasted Goose at Pilling Marsh today
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i am going to start to do a daily round up of the more scarce birds in the county for everyone to see, so starting today:

No reports either way of the 1st winter Red Breasted Goose at Pilling Marsh today


Not down there masen,, but around Cockers Dyke and comment from dog walkers were, a load of twitchers at Fluke Hall area, so assume they were chasing the RBG. Probably over at Eagland Hill with all the 5,000+ Pinkies!
Any news will be appreciated.

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Not down there masen,, but around Cockers Dyke and comment from dog walkers were, a load of twitchers at Fluke Hall area, so assume they were chasing the RBG. Probably over at Eagland Hill with all the 5,000+ Pinkies!
Any news will be appreciated.


yes I suspect it will still be in the area just thousand of geese over several miles to look through! Luckily I saw it yesterday at Fluke Hall Lane o:D

Edit: according to birdguides no sign today at pilling marsh but doesnt mean its not around
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yes I suspect it will still be in the area just thousand of geese over several miles to look through! Luckily I saw it yesterday at Fluke Hall Lane o:D

Nice spot... maybe it's in this lot... (let me know if you see it, RBG that is).

I'm afraid you wont get stunning images posted by me, but here a couple of images of a Little Egret, only because I was surprised to be able to compare the size against others, in this instance lapwing and shelduck and how small it looked. Little Egret indeed, always look bigger alone.
Happy birding


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Very little to report today:

Little Gull and 2 Med Gulls at Heysham

single Waxwing at the village green at Slaidburn early morning, no reports since

I suspect that a search around the county tomorrow will produce lots of Waxwings so check all those berry trees ;)
Very little to report today:

Little Gull and 2 Med Gulls at Heysham

single Waxwing at the village green at Slaidburn early morning, no reports since

I suspect that a search around the county tomorrow will produce lots of Waxwings so check all those berry trees ;)
According to Birdguides Waxwing(s) in Preston today, anyone got any info on exact location?
Waxwings in the county today:

Wray - 2 at Ashley's Farm at 08:20 then flew west

Burnley - 23 in Burnley Cemetery

Preston - 12 on Church Street brielfy early afternoon

Clitheroe - 4-6 on lane between health centre and Royal Mail offices

St Helens - 2 briefly at Moss Bank then flew towards Clinkham Wood and no further sign

Myerscough - 12 over the college

Barrow - 7 at Trafford Gardens
A flamin' Ortolan Bunting in Formby today apparently. Might be worth someone taking a chance on tomoz if we're not all completely Waxwing obsessed at the mo. Don't ask me exactly where though cos I don't know.
Sightings for today:

Ortolan Bunting at Formby - probable at Cabin Hill NNR flew south from Marsh Farm at 10:25

Burnley - 46 still in the cemetery early morning
Barrow - 75 on Brambles Close
Colne - 25 on Bridge Street by Millennium Green
Over Kellett - 10 on rowans

Some other notable sightings from yesterday:
Great Grey Shrike at Waddington Fell and briefly at Leighton Moss
Great White Egret north over Pilling Marsh
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Sightings 30th October

Great Grey Shrike still at Waddington Fell, seems to show best early morning becoming more elusive later
45 Barnacle Geese at Stocks Reservior at 16:00
33 Twite back at Heysham now
probable Lapland Bunting at Aldcliffe marsh

Burnley - just 1 in the cemetery this morning
Barrow - 118 the highest reported count from today along the main street in a row of rowan trees, cracking views mid afternoon!
Nelson - six in Broadway car park mid-afternoon
Newton - two this morning
Rishton - 12 at the end of Petre Crescent this afternoon
Leyland - seven on Mayfield Housing Estate close to Church Road this evening
Colne - 15 still on Bridge Street this afternoon
I'm loving the Waxwing updates Jonny, keep 'em coming :t:.

I had a brief visit to Todderstaffe Hall hoping for a Brambling amongst the Chaffinch at the feeding station, but on arrival there were no birds and no birdseed, fortunately I'd taken some seed with me so after replenishing the 2 paving stones sat & waited and after about 30 mins the Tree Sparrows, about a dozen of them, turned up, along with a few of the usual suspects but no Brambling.

I've added a few photos(all ISO800 as it was a tad gloomy)



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