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Lancashire Birding (3 Viewers)

Saw my first ever Black Tailed Skimmer this morning while trying out the Martin Mere reedbed walk, looks like a promising little free nature walk;) also spotted were Oystercatchers, Shellduck, Grey Heron, Little Grebe, Juvenile Grey Wagtails, Sedge Warblers, Whitethroat, Swift, Swallow, Reed Bunting, couple of Mute Swans and a Small Copper and a Painted Lady.
There are two screens in the process of being built that give good views over the reeds towards the Harrier Hide and on a pleasant morning like today it is quite therapeutic listening to those Sedgies scratching away in the undergrowth especially when they decide to shimmy up to the top of a stalk and give it laldy:-O

Howick cross on the ribble.......

Recently been really large flocks of blacktailed godwits with knot and dunlin...........great to watch !:t:
I saw a mink on Marton Mere yesterday. It tried to take a mallard ducking and failed. It didn't half shift but I managed to get a photo of the water splash.
Report Mink Sightings to EA.

I saw a mink on Marton Mere yesterday. It tried to take a mallard ducking and failed. It didn't half shift but I managed to get a photo of the water splash.

Worth reporting to the Environment Agency... all mink sightings.

I don't really want to post names and email addresses without permission.
Try Biodiversity Technical Officer. (01772 714025)

"We try to keep track of them on our GIS systems so that we know if any protected species/ flood defence issues will occur!"
Some of you may have seen a thread on Bird ID about an 'odd raptor'.
It was seen and photographed by a friend of mine near Helmshore, East Lancs last Sept (09). I wondered if anyone knew of any 'odd sightings' going back to that time and area, or where we might check? It would help if we could ID the raptor, so far all attempts have failed! Now there's a challenge!

I've included the pic again here for your delectation.


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Worth reporting to the Environment Agency... all mink sightings.

I don't really want to post names and email addresses without permission.
Try Biodiversity Technical Officer. (01772 714025)

"We try to keep track of them on our GIS systems so that we know if any protected species/ flood defence issues will occur!"

A old chap in the hide at the same time went off to report it to the rangers at the station.

I'll ring that number and let them know.
Looking at the shape of the head and the position of the eye and beak, a wild guess would be for me is a short eared owl hybrid. Must stress a guess though.
Hobby digiscoped on m6 lampposts at brockholes quarry preston;)


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Hobby digiscoped on m6 lampposts at brockholes quarry preston;)

Nice shots Kwyll. Not sure what time you were up there, I called in just after lunch but went to see the White-letter Hairstreak first.

For those interested in seeing the Hobby, it has been seen around 11.30 onwards for the past four or five days in the same area, the M6 side of No 1 Pool. There's a path along there now and the Hobby is viewable as it perches on the slip road lamp posts.
A second Hobby was also seen in the afternoon yeterday along with a very brief view of an Osprey along the Ribble mid afternoon and a Barn Owl has been seen on the reserve (19.30 onwards) on a couple of occasions recently.

Nice day at Leighton Moss: Osprey showing really well from the road-side pull-in, and Public Hide. Three Marsh Harriers too along with Spotshank, 4 Greenshank, Raven, Sparrowhawk and 3 Buzzard.

At Allen Pool: 2 Greenshank & c.30 Redshank.
Yellow Wagtails

Is there anywhere in Lancashire which still have Yellow Wagtails at this time of year. Any help about where to see them would be greatly apreciated.

I believe it to Colin Bushell who saw the 3 at HOM.

In other news, I confirmed breeding of Black Redstart in the centre of Preston this afternoon with a singing 1st summer Male and a female with food in mouth. I should be back in the morning to attempt photographs

I believe it to Colin Bushell who saw the 3 at HOM.

In other news, I confirmed breeding of Black Redstart in the centre of Preston this afternoon with a singing 1st summer Male and a female with food in mouth. I should be back in the morning to attempt photographs

Where are the black redstarts in preston city centre?
When I saw them yesterday, they were around the old buildings (and the roof of the red building) by the Ritz Car Park, which is near the Bus Station and Warehouse. When the car park is empty (i.e. late afternoon) they appear to be more active.

When I saw them yesterday, they were around the old buildings (and the roof of the red building) by the Ritz Car Park, which is near the Bus Station and Warehouse. When the car park is empty (i.e. late afternoon) they appear to be more active.

Had a good look for them today... dipped:-C
Is there anywhere in Lancashire which still have Yellow Wagtails at this time of year. Any help about where to see them would be greatly apreciated.


Yellow Wagtails breed every year on Curlew Lane near Rufford. I saw two young ones in the potato field at the Rufford end of the lane on the evening of 8th August
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