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Lancashire Birding (6 Viewers)

tern digi scoped at brockholes the other day.........common or artic not sure!

I'd call it a Common Kwyll, though you can't see the bill the Artic has shorter legs.

Managed to get up to see the Dotterel that have been showing as Abbeystaid Lane yesterday afternoon. 2 showing very well next to a field of Golden Plover mainly in breeding plumage. If you are thinking of going up the advise is to view from your car as the birds do come closer. Photos on my blog.

I'd call it a Common Kwyll, though you can't see the bill the Artic has shorter legs.

Managed to get up to see the Dotterel that have been showing as Abbeystaid Lane yesterday afternoon. 2 showing very well next to a field of Golden Plover mainly in breeding plumage. If you are thinking of going up the advise is to view from your car as the birds do come closer. Photos on my blog.


Got your text yesterday Derek cheers for that, MAY head around there this weekend.
Evening All

I've been so busy lately I've not had much chance to post on here, I've been stopping by to check on sightings though - I wouldn't mind a look at those Dotterel @ Abbeystead, I must try & get up there sometime soon.

Lots of great birds about at the moment. In the last few days I've photod a Grasshopper Warbler & Wheatear(one of several) at Fleetwood Marsh, then today at Marton Mere there were lots of Common Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Chiffchaff & Grasshooper Warbler (the latter heard but not seen) Plus 1 x Cetti's Warbler heard too but again not seen, oh & a few Linnet, 2 x Buzzard, 2 x Sparrowhawk sightings(could've been the same one twice).

**A quick edit to say Whitethroat & Sedge Warbler were also seen & photod at Lawsons Road wetland too.

I've attached the regulation 5 photos, with yards more of 'em to go on my website later.




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Hi does anyone know a good spot for seeing barn owls and short eared owls in lancishire iv heard that theres a place around the martin mere ,ribble area but im not sure where abouts does anyone know thanks.
I think you should ask this question again in the Autumn as no one will disclose locations of birds (I hope!) at this time of year in case they are breeding, You could try Martin Mere WWT and hope for a daytime flying barn owl as the place only opens at 9-30. Marshside is good for SEO in the Autumn and winter especially at high tides.
Todays sightings included 1 x Wheatear at Fleetwood Marsh this morning & later at Marton Mere 1 x Little Ringed Plover(see photos) which is the first time I've seen one at the Mere. Also, yesterday at Marton Mere 1 x male Garganey flew right by me whilst I was staking out & trying to photo some of the many warblers.




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Hello everyone . I was contemplating a trip to Marton Mere / Stanley Park in the next week or so and was wondering what the situation was regarding parking ? I've seen people suggesting parking at Blackpool Zoo and also suggestions about parking on the hardstanding at the caravan park . However , I imagine the owners of the caravan park would take a dim view of that suggestion ! Also , is it possible to have a decent look around both sites in about 5 hours ?
If you have five hours then I would suggest parking on East Park Drive. You could do the park lake and surrounding woods, walk across to Woodland Gardens (above the zoo) then round to the Mere and back down the De Vere hotel path. This is known in some promotional material as the 'Blackpool Countryside Experience'.

Five hours should be enough.

If you have five hours then I would suggest parking on East Park Drive. You could do the park lake and surrounding woods, walk across to Woodland Gardens (above the zoo) then round to the Mere and back down the De Vere hotel path. This is known in some promotional material as the 'Blackpool Countryside Experience'.

Five hours should be enough.


You could also try the Stanley Park car park I'm pretty sure that's free all day. (and is the start of the Blackpool Countryside Experience) Good hunting plenty about at the mo.


A few sightings from Stanley Park, Blackpool yesterday included 2 x GS Woodpeckers, 12+ Swifts, 8 x adult & 4+ juvenile Great Crested Grebes.

& today from our garden in Bispham, Blackpool were (overhead) 1 x Sparrowhawk - being harrassed by 4 x Swifts, also 4 x very noisy Oystercatchers flew directly over, 6 Goldfinch in the garden and the only other notable sighting was 1 x Coal tit.

I've attached a few photos from the park yesterday.




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Hi everyone , My wife and I made it to Stanley Park and Marton Mere today . Many thanks to everyone who responded regarding parking . It must be fantastic to have this as your local patch ! We managed to take a few decent photographs on our way round but , being novices , we encountered a couple of birds at Marton Mere that were new to us and we couldn't identify....any chance of a few suggestions from you more experienced observers ? Thanks


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Hi everyone , My wife and I made it to Stanley Park and Marton Mere today . Many thanks to everyone who responded regarding parking . It must be fantastic to have this as your local patch ! We managed to take a few decent photographs on our way round but , being novices , we encountered a couple of birds at Marton Mere that were new to us and we couldn't identify....any chance of a few suggestions from you more experienced observers ? Thanks

Your birds are 1 & 2 Linnet, 3 is a Sedge warbler

Glad you had a good time.


Cracking Great Crested Grebe shots Cliff.
I saw 2 pairs down at Brockholes on Sunday but no sign of the mating ritual.

Nice to see some Linnets on the Mere, not seen some for a long time. And also good to hear you enjoyed it, am definately glad it is my local patch.... 5 mins from my front door!!

Cliff you nailed those GCG shots AGAIN!!!
Nice to see some Linnets on the Mere, not seen some for a long time. And also good to hear you enjoyed it, am definately glad it is my local patch.... 5 mins from my front door!!

Cliff you nailed those GCG shots AGAIN!!!

It is about 5 minutes from my front door as well, which is probably why I got a Reed Bunting at the bird table during the cold snap.

Any info about this Savi's warbler at Leighton Moss? How far is it from the centre? A two mile walk I gather.

And with no guarantee of it showing!

Any more info appreciated.
Any info about this Savi's warbler at Leighton Moss? How far is it from the centre? A two mile walk I gather.

And with no guarantee of it showing!

Any more info appreciated.

I went for this bird today; it is a good two miles walk from the visitor centre at LM. The bird is very elusive, but if you get there early enough in the morning you will give yourself a good chance of seeing it.
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