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Lancashire Birding (14 Viewers)

I often go past on the train and see birds on the pools and the sides but no way of identifying at 40mph!

I'd imagine it would be a case of approaching landowner (Mythop Hall) as I think the public footpath on Weeton of the railway line will give no views.

The Weeton footpath doesn't give views of this area. A White Stork was identified in that area from the train so something big and you have a chance.

Ream Hills Lake can be viewed from a footpath which offers far better views than you would get from the road, though in my experience the owner resents people looking.
Its just past Marton Mere Caravan Park on the left Gradders and Stephen I saw it called that on Fylde Bird Club, they seem to have taken my sightings off here and added them to their site... the cheek LOL

Anyway for you gradders a little map.

Ah right I thought you meant Mythop Grange Flood further up on the left.

One of the problems with this area for recording is the way the floods have been in different places over the years.
POSSIBLE NIGHTINGALE (north west Preston)

Best see

The grid reference is 502310. (Hope I have that the right way round!)

The location is 'Savick Park'. It is north of the Ribble Link. The location is half way between Savick Way and Lea Road.

(Parking may be possible on Summertrees Avenue and surrounding streets, but is limited and on Millerfield and Bilsborough Avenue). Follow the main footpath through the park (entrances on Lea Road and Savick Way... and other side access points) and there is a small wooden bridge crossing a (contaminated) brook with a hedgerow either side about half way between the two main entrances. (If approaching from the east, NOTE there is also a small bridge over a brook about 25mtrs inside Savick Way, NOT that one, keep going another 100mtrs).

Hanging around the bridge that crosses the brook either side and one might hear it. There are lots of wooded copses and shrubland so a matter of listening! Be great if it could be seen. May have moved of course but probably not far. Then again let us hope it IS a nightingale and not a blackcap or similar (which are around as well).... but bird forum guys seem to think it is nightingale!

Odd Chiffchaff about too! see

Oooh interesting g, may head down at lunch seeing as the Peregrines for the pat 2 days aint been showing at St Walburge's.

Also Mythop last night, 5 Black Tailed Godits (2 in full summer plummage), 5 Shelducks, 1 Merlin, 1 Kestrel, 1 Buzzard, 8 Shovelers, 15 Teal, 1 Redshank, 6 Lapwings and to many Wood Pigeons to shake a stick at

Hoopoe showed brilliantly at Heysham this morning. It was on the mound on the north harbour wall then moved to the Nature Reserve. My record shots don't do it justice. A male Redstart was in the bushes at the Nature Reserve aswell.
What time do the whimbrel start arriving in the evening derek?i have never been at night before, only through the day........thanxB :)

I'm told there were 8 Whimbrel on the main pit his afternoon.

This evening 74 Whimbrel, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 3 Tree Sparrow.

The started coming in tonight around 19.30, I usually get there about 19.00 and stop until it gets dark.

Had half an hour at Marshside (Southport) yesterday, plenty of Med Gulls around (especially car park), Avocets showing well and Godwit, Redshank etc. Sun was out!!! Some pics might follow later.
Med Gulls Marshide Southport

Can't upload pics here cos I'm useless, any good and file size is too big... so here are some snapshots for reference, primarily to show wings etc


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More Marshide Gulls

and for comparison etc...


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Marshside Avocets

May encourage someone with a decent camera to visit...


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hi Geoff some pics of 1st winter Med Gull at Marton Mere here http://lalows.blogspot.com/2010/04/well-and-truly-sealed.html with Common Gull of the same age for comparison. The adults have a larger black (reather than chocolate brown) hood and their bill is heavier and much brighter red. Once you've got your eye in you should be able to pick em out fairly easily. BHgs out number them 000;s to 1 mind.


PS intreged by your Nightingale, not sure at all but my money is on a somewhat strange Tree Pipit or an escapee.
Brockholes Wetland

Last nights Whimbrel count up to 128 last night

Also 1 Little Ringed Plover and 150+ Sand Martin

An Ashy headed wagtail has been reported on the river ribble east of brockholes. I'm working in Lancs but unfamiliar with that area, can anyone provide me some directions please?

Many thanks

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