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Lancashire Birding (11 Viewers)

45 mins at Stanley Park yesterday morning produced sightings of 2 x Great Crested Grebes, 10+ Tufted Ducks & 2 juvenile Grey Herons (one of which was fishing in what looks like total squalor).

This morning on the beach at Cleveleys (near the Royal) were approx 20 Oystercatchers. This pm we've had 30+ House Sparrows in the garden along with about a dozen Goldfinch - & two Collared Doves who seem to be trying out new ways of copulating, shame I didn't have the speed of thought to zoom out & fit them both in frame |:$| .


The collard pic is superb...thanks for putting it up........!
Spent yesterday morning up at Heysham and called in at Conder on the way home.

Not much to report at Heysham but did manage to to pick out a Med Gull.

Conder was a little better with a Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper and a Snipe amongst the Curlew and Redshank. Also 2 Little Grebe on the pool.

Spent yesterday morning up at Heysham and called in at Conder on the way home.

Not much to report at Heysham but did manage to to pick out a Med Gull.

Conder was a little better with a Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper and a Snipe amongst the Curlew and Redshank. Also 2 Little Grebe on the pool.

Not a bad few days out,never seen a wood sandpiper or a red grouse re your other day.Brockholes this morning......nothing out of the ordinary...so spent my time practicing me hand held digi scoping techniques..!Some pics below.!


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Conder was a little better with a Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper and a Snipe amongst the Curlew and Redshank. Also 2 Little Grebe on the pool

Hi Derek - I also spent a couple of hours at Conder pool on Monday (morning), it was very windy & had me wishing I'd dug my fleece & gloves out. A kind chap with a scope let me have a look at the Wood Sandpiper, which was a *first for me (*the first was seeing a Wood Sandpiper not meeting a kind chap), I took a few distant shots but will keep them to myself. In addition to the sightings mentioned by Derek there were a couple of Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher, 2 Cormorant, 2 Grey Herons, 2 Kestrel & 10+ Long-tailed tits.

Moving swiftly along to today I managed an hour in the rain at Marton Mere this afternoon, sightings of note were 1 x Sparrowhawk, 2 x Grey Heron, 6 x Shoveler, 15+ Tufted Ducks, 4 x Pochard, 10+ House martins, 10+ Sand Martins, 1 x Great Crested Grebe.

I've attached a few photos from today




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Great pics

Moving swiftly along to today I managed an hour in the rain at Marton Mere this afternoon, sightings of note were 1 x Sparrowhawk, 2 x Grey Heron, 6 x Shoveler, 15+ Tufted Ducks, 4 x Pochard, 10+ House martins, 10+ Sand Martins, 1 x Great Crested Grebe.

I've attached a few photos from today



Once again great pics. HOW did you manage that???... rain and such poor light conditions, I can never 'pan', match speed and aperture and all I ever get is a blur! Terrif... any tips? (save up and buy some quality gear!)
Cliff, If you can try get to Marton Mere around 6-6:30 in the evening. Peregrine coming in from Staining is there quite alot now, seems to appear when Starlings and Wood Pigeons are preparing for roost on the telegraph wires over towards Staining.

Might be heading there this weekend to see if I can capture her on film. Determined to find out where abouts in Staining she is constantly seen on a pylon, along with juvenile.
Hi Derek - I also spent a couple of hours at Conder pool on Monday (morning),

Moving swiftly along to today I managed an hour in the rain at Marton Mere this afternoon, sightings of note were 1 x Sparrowhawk, 2 x Grey Heron, 6 x Shoveler, 15+ Tufted Ducks, 4 x Pochard, 10+ House martins, 10+ Sand Martins, 1 x Great Crested Grebe.

I've attached a few photos from today




Well done with the Wood Sandpiper, I saw my first the other week at Marshside where it was much easier to photograph.
Saw the Long Tailed Tit flock but missed out on the Kingfisher, its been a while since i've seen one, I know should drag myself up to Meresands Wood.

Love the Sand Martin shot so hard to get, I've been trying to get some good shots of the Swallow in the field across from me all summer, they fly within feet of you if you just sit there, but nothing worth posting so far.

Once again great pics. HOW did you manage that???... rain and such poor light conditions, I can never 'pan', match speed and aperture and all I ever get is a blur! Terrif... any tips? (save up and buy some quality gear!)

Thanks Gradders :t:, my camera gear is mainly at the budget end of the range, but I get by, mainly by taking lots of photos then deleting 95% of them, the joys of digital.

Cliff, If you can try get to Marton Mere around 6-6:30 in the evening. Peregrine coming in from Staining is there quite alot now, seems to appear when Starlings and Wood Pigeons are preparing for roost on the telegraph wires over towards Staining.

Thanks for the tip Neil, I'll have to give that a try sometime, although I'm usually picking the missus up from work around the time you mention - but it would be cool to see a Peregrine on our local patch.

Moving onto todays sightings, half an hour at Marton Mere in the breezy conditions this lunchtime didn't prove too fruitful, I think everything was keeping out of the wind. The main sighting of note was all the House Martins, there were loads of them, I wouldn't know where to start trying to count them, a conservative estimate would be 30+.
In addition there were 2 Pochard, 6 Tufted Ducks, 4 Shoveler & 2 Cormorant.

I've attached a couple of photos, along with a few from the garden which include a juvenile Goldfinch nibbling at my Himalayan Silver Birch, I've never seen one doing that before.




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Video Camera

Hi Derekg,
I'm using a Sony HVR-V1 which I guess sits in the prosumer category meaning it was fairly expensive. Pros - 20* optical zoom. Cons- lens is not interchangeable. For wildlife you'll need as big an optical zoom as you can get. I would say at least 20*.
If I had the money I'd be getting myself a Sony PMW-EX3 which amongst other things has slow motion capabilities but I don't have 7grand going spare at the moment!(ever!!)
Kwyll - thanks for the link, I thought the only Ribble Bore went in my local!
Nice clip didn't know the Ribble had one though I've see the Severn one on the TV before.

Fraser - cheers for the information, think I'll keep my son away from this thread and the 7G price tag.
I was thinking of something with a good optical, will have to keep looking and maybe pick something up on ebay.


PS - popped over to Hoylake to see the Sabine's Gull, must say well worth a visit as there's plenty to see along the beach. At least 300 Ringed Plover the short time I was there.
A couple of weeks ago I went to Foulshaw Moss to try and get some Osprey footage and failed. On the way back from the viewing platform I almost stumbled over these Grey Wagtails.

Do we get to see the 'out-takes'?

Not only great 'film', but great editing too. Very good Fraser. What software you using? Is that music copyrighted? (Joking, loads of stuff out there I know).

Little Tern at north end of Fairhaven Lake, but obviously on the sea side of the wall on incoming tide yesterday... you probably have about three/four hours to get there, for those who have not seen Bird Guides, already heard etc'. High Tide is about 13.00.
bottom right in photo, BHG for size comparison.
Moves fast and horizontal rain... not easy!


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My bird of the day,possibly the month.......a gannet on the ribble at longton marsh...!:t:And a great black back gull.........!


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Fraser - cracking video footage. I've just looked up your camera on the net, wow - that's a serious looking piece of kit. FM is one of my favourite locations btw - although I tend to go there for dragons & slow worms etc.

Gradders - nice one getting the Little Tern :t:, that's another bird I've never seen.

Kwyll - well done re. the Gannet, not a bird I've ever seen around here, it would definitely be my bird of the month too. :t:

Yesterday I had a few hours at Leighton Moss in the rain & the gloom. I spent most of my time in the Eric Morecambe hide keeping dry;
there were 8+ Little Egrets, 4 Greenshank, 100's of Redshank & Lapwing with Godwits interspersed amongst them, 1 x Buzzard, 1 x Kestrel, 1 x Grey Heron, 2 x Cormorant, a dozen or so Greylag geese, 2 x Wigeon, 6 Teal & 1 x Kingfisher.
Oh - & driving home on the A588 near Pilling a flock of approx 100 Curlew flew directly overhead.

I've attached a few photos, including one of a Redshank (one of about 4 or 5) that was swimming, I've never seen Redshank doing that before - they flew in & landed in the water then off they swam.




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Great shots WyreWader. Isaw a Redshank doing the same thing at Leighton Moss a few months ago. I haven't seen them do it anywhere else.
Editing Software

I'm using Sony Vegas 8.0 editing software. The music is under the Creative Commons Licence from Jamendo.com . Not sure if it was the right choice for these clips but I needed to put something on as the native sound left a little bit to be desired.
Foulshaw never ceases to amaze me every time I go , such a massive area right on my dooorstep . I only discovered about 2 years ago.
Snow Geese at Grange-over-Sands!!!

Neil and I were looking out over Morecambe Bay today - around 1.30pm - behind the train station at Grange-over-Sands and four geese flew overhead. I looked up and casually scanned them with my bins, expecting them to be Canada Geese, and I was gobsmacked to see that two were Snow Geese!!! I didn't get a chance to see what the other two were as they flew off over the station roof out of sight :smoke:

Are these escapes/feral/genuine wild birds blown over by Hurricane Bill? Any ideas? And, most importantly, are they tickable? ;)
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