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Lancashire Birding (6 Viewers)

Great sighting of the Bittern - lousy photo (link) at Marton Mere. Very icy with good views of Water Rail. Owls still in same spot - 7 showing.
Boom, the hawfinches have been seen in the hawthorns across the inlet in front of the fishery. This is private land however and people are advised not to go onto the other side of inlet where the birds are, as there is absolutely no access. Parking can be done in the fisheries car park. A scope is a must (as I found to my cost). Also two white-fronted geese on the lake near to the hawfinches might be worth a look.

Good luck1
Sat 7- Similar day to Geoff.
A Tyke twitching Lancs eh! Quick stop for the Waxwings on Waddi Rd. Then onto Stocks .The Hawfinch showed briefly midday, but was fairly distant. But great views of the 2 White-fronted Geese. A single Barnacle was with the flock of Canada's.Also A Buzzard & Kestrel too.
Later on at Champion Moor, A Male Hen Harrier & 1+ Short-eared Owl were seen, but both were a long way of.
Sun 8- Longridge Fell, Very quiet birdwise, single Buzzard ,8Robin 3 Coal Tits & 3 Chaffinch was about it . Still a good walk in the snow.
No cones in the trees perhaps explain the lack of the hoped for crosser's and Siskins.
A.M. - Very early (7a.m.) trip up to Cuerden Valley Park with the dogs.
Didn't see the reported goosander (Chorley birding site) as the pond was frozen over and I presume they've mooved on.
Did see the usual Mallard and Canada Geese 25. Also on the walk saw chaffinch, blue,great, long tailed and coal tit, Bullfinch (Male and Female) and Greater Spotted Woodpecker (male and female). The male was tapping and the female calling, both very near last years nesting site.
Also saw seven Roe Deer scattered across the park which was a first time sighting for me.

P.M. - My first trip up to Marshside.

Sandgrounders Hide - Single green winged teal :t: (below), teal, pintail, little egret :king: , Grey Heron, Greater Black Backed gull, Widgeon, shoveler.

Nel's Hide - Mute Swan, teal, all the common gulls, pintail.

Marshside Sands - By now it had started to sleet and the wind was quite strong so almost impossible :-C to see much but we did manage several flocks of meadow pipit, curlew, oyster catcher.



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Also went to Marshside,much he same as Derek plus a Peregrine.
here's my G.W.Teal and Pintail.


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Great sighting of the Bittern - lousy photo (link) at Marton Mere. Very icy with good views of Water Rail. Owls still in same spot - 7 showing.

Unlucky re the photo Mik, but another good close up sighting, maybe oneday it'll pose for a good shot for someone.

An aperture of F19 (per the exif), strange forces are at work, if you recall my camera had accidentally found it's way to F18 the other day when trying to photo the Bittern from the very same place |:S|.

BTW - well done with the Green winged Teal fellas :clap: .
Unlucky re the photo Mik, but another good close up sighting, maybe oneday it'll pose for a good shot for someone.

An aperture of F19 (per the exif), strange forces are at work, if you recall my camera had accidentally found it's way to F18 the other day when trying to photo the Bittern from the very same place |:S|.

BTW - well done with the Green winged Teal fellas :clap: .

Spooky camera-hating ghosts haunt the container hide... oo-er!
Finished work early o:D and managed an hour up at Cuerden Valley Park.

Saw 3 male goosander flying over the main lodge as well as the usual canada geese and mallards.

The usual tit flocks where around and heared the greater spotted again.
Didn't identify to much more as the light was fading :C
Whereabouts were the Crossbills? were they by the visitors centre?

Anyone any idea where the Hawfinches have been getting seen around Stocks reservoir?

By the Picnic Area on the Gisburn Forest side or on the side of the Fishery? Going tomorrow to have a look so any tips would be greatly appreciated.


If you take the main path from the visitor centre towards the Cyril Gibbons hide the Crossbills were in the bare trees on the left of the path opposite where the path to the Cyril Gibbons hide is.
Didn't see the Peregrine was also told there was a Hobby around in the morning.

Really? There were a pair of Peregrines, and two Merlins on the outer, but this is the first whisper of a Hobby on Sunday. It's a very early record; d'you know who saw it?
Really? There were a pair of Peregrines, and two Merlins on the outer, but this is the first whisper of a Hobby on Sunday. It's a very early record; d'you know who saw it?

Not sure who saw it. I was in the Sandgrounders Hide at about 1.30 and a fello birder who'd been around all day was telling me what he'd seen. Maybe he'd mis-identified it, I do it from time to time.

Sorry can't be anymore help

Thanks Derek. I was there around that time too, and had been scouring the outer for a good hour or two earlier.
The Barn Owl at Martin Mere was out hunting early today, I saw it at around 3pm but I'm pretty sure it'd already been hunting a while. Other than that the usual stuff.

Birding my local spots afterwards saw Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush, Little Owl, Redshank and Grey Partridge (which scared the s**t out of me!) by the Douglas. Saw another Barn Owl as well.

Going to Mere Sands tomoz so hopefully I'll finally see the Crossbills (be a first if I do).
Got the day off on Friday so I reckon I'll do Martin Mere then take in Southport on the way back.

Hope those Barnies are still hungry...
Got the day off on Friday so I reckon I'll do Martin Mere then take in Southport on the way back.

Hope those Barnies are still hungry...

Worth a call into Meresands wood for a look at the crossbills Mik if you're over that way.

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