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Lancashire Birding (5 Viewers)

That looks exactly how it was Johnny! Church Street suffered some!

Although I didn't go into Croston village myself it did show some of the flooded houses etc. on the early evening BBC local news. When I went to the same place 2 days later the River levels were back to normal.
Hi Johnny,

The floods weren't that bad in Croston - well not as far as my end was!

Up the coast has been very bad. The gulls were struggling to survive off our west coast as was the 'Riverdance' Ferry.

I should think a lot of wildlife has had a hard time of it recently.
When I saw the ferry grounded the wind was unbelievable. I had a free facial dermabration by the sand and I struggled to breathe and even walk.

Still there were the gulls and other birds struggling for survival. My heart felt for them.

From what I've heard they may now be getting obese from the thousands of McVities chocolate biscuits spilling onto the beach....

Well at least the poor buggas have had some respite....
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Hi Ivy, I find it incredible how birds and animals survive in such atrocious weather, we were at New Brighton last week for the High Tide (we'd previously been to see the Cattle Egret at Burton Marsh) the waves were crashing over the sea wall but the gulls and waders were just flying through it as though it was a calm summers day.
Ross's Goose

There is a Ross's Goose down at Preesall (Over Wyre) in the back fields. It has been there since Friday so may hang aroung for a while. Plenty of twitchers around, but wrap up, its like Siberia out there (Brrrrrrrrrrr).:t:


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There is a Ross's Goose down at Preesall (Over Wyre) in the back fields. It has been there since Friday so may hang aroung for a while. Plenty of twitchers around, but wrap up, its like Siberia out there (Brrrrrrrrrrr).:t:

Very jealous of this one - was in the area on Saturday morning when it first got reported. So just missed it. I hope it stays.
Spotted an Iceland Gull at Knott End today. No pics, but Chris Batty (Fylde Bird Club) was down there taking shots, so maybe he got some? No sign of the Ross's Goose today but a birder told me it had been seen in the area. I hope it re-appears so I can get some better shots than the last ones (sorry about the quality but it was to chilly to hang around that day, and I've got a rotton, sniffley cold for my efforts!).
Iceland Gull

Went for the Iceland Gull this morning but no sign at Knott End or Cocker's Dyke. Managed to relocate it on the Wyre Estuary lunchtime but sure wish I'd seen it yesterday so close!
Hooded Crow, Little Egret(s) and Twite (2 flocks 40 + 20) seen as well. Nice morning out.
Its back!!

I managed to get a slightly better shot this time but it is still quite far away and loves to play hide and seek amongst the Pink Foots. :t:


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Great Bird!
Im contomplating whether or not I should get it. Yes its a great Lancashire and indeed British Bird but are we aloud to count Ross's?

Still though, its like the Ribble Pelican, even if its not a fully wild bird, its still a fabulous Bird!

There was plenty of twitchers down there today. Lots of scopes but did'nt see any cameras. It tends to stay well out of the way of the pulic eye and is happiest deep within the Pink Foot flock. I imagine a lot of birders will be cleaning their boots tonight!!
Hi all!

Well - we haven't managed to get any point scoring sightings but the past week has been a good opportunity to get out and about appreciating the joys of nature.

We've been to - Bwlch Nant yr Arian / Leighton Moss/ Marshside/ Mere Sands Wood and fair soaked up the sights and got a few excellent shots too.

Isn't life wonderful!!! When you take the time to look and watch.

There are 5+ Water pipits showing very well at the end of Bank lane at Warton bank, if anyone is interested in seeing them. I saw them yesterday, and couldn't have got better views. Quite a good trip in all, got the Water pipits, Glossy ibis, Hen harrier, Merlin, 14 Bewick's and much more!

There are some (by this i mean a lot) pictures of these on my Blog below.


P.S. beware there are also a lot of Mipits and the odd Rock pipit lurking around with them as well.
Nice one Nick:t:

I could'nt find the time today, but I will take a butchers asap. I would love some decent pics of them. I only have a Meadow Pipit in my collection and that is barely a keeper:-C. Perhaps now I've got a longer lens I may be able to get the little fellows? |=)|
Nick, I don't know if you ever got to see your ''Twite''! If you did, well great, but if you still have not found any.....there is a small flock of around thirty of them on the Lune Estuary between Conder Green and Lancaster.
Nick, I don't know if you ever got to see your ''Twite''! If you did, well great, but if you still have not found any.....there is a small flock of around thirty of them on the Lune Estuary between Conder Green and Lancaster.

I did manage to see Twite (twice) at Cant clough reservoir, but still haven't managed to see any coastal Twites, even the Fylde ones which i have tried for quite a few times.
They are still there Nick, usually around the first showing of the woods on the coastal path, opposite or near the farmhouse overlooking the estuary. They are often joined by Goldfinch and Reed Buntings.:t:


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Great pic Ian! Those two in the middle looking at each other made me laugh. Not been out anywhere lately (I guess I'm still recovering from missing out on the Night Heron in my own preverbial back yard!)
Great pic Ian! Those two in the middle looking at each other made me laugh. Not been out anywhere lately (I guess I'm still recovering from missing out on the Night Heron in my own preverbial back yard!)

Herons!!, Shmerons!!..........you got to photograph that beautiful Owl, and did a fine job to boot, I must say! (I was positively GREEN with envy!):t:

I do hope we can get another chance to photograph the Eagle Owl at Dunsop this year, I bought my new gear with that event in mind. :t:

I dont have much luck with the Owls, perhaps they smell my cats on me or something? There are loads of them hooting away at night (Tawneys, Barn and Little) around my area but as soon as I put a foot outside the door.........:-C
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