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ID request - Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA (1 Viewer)



The photo was taken on the Clingman's Dome trail in Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Sept. 17, 2022. I was taking pictures of Juncos and thought this bird was too, till I got the photo home and saw the eye color. Is this perhaps a juvenile Eastern Towhee?

Thanks for any expertise you can offer.

Strange resemblance to a dunnock, though the location makes that highly improbable. I’m European and only know the American standout birds.
Its a sparrow, looks like Swamp Sparrow I think
Thanks. Yes, I've looked through the sparrows and can't quite match it up with any. To me, it doesn't have the markings on the head that I'd expect with a Swamp Sparrow. I know that the shadow of the grass blade cutting across the cheek doesn't help.
Thanks. Yes, I've looked through the sparrows and can't quite match it up with any. To me, it doesn't have the markings on the head that I'd expect with a Swamp Sparrow. I know that the shadow of the grass blade cutting across the cheek doesn't help.
I agree, just guessing. It otherwise looks like one, but I am not sure.
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