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help! (1 Viewer)

ta brandreth

Well-known member
I wonder if you can help, I am currently using a Zeiss 65T *FL with a 30x BWW lens, and I am looking at combining this with a Sony Cybershot DSC-5950 10.1 pixcel camera for digiscoping purposes. (I also have a Fuji S9500 DSLR - better results?)

I am using a bracket purchased via Ebay at the moment but the results are poor with vignetting problems and clarity and the system is really cumbersome in the field.

Could you suggest a solution? I have been onto your website but due to lack of technical knowledge have come to a frustrating stop!

Thanks for your help.
Well from the specs (4x optical zoom being one of them) of the sony camera, you should be able to use it for digiscoping.
Best thing to do would probably be to try without the bracket, and keep the camera in front of the eyepiece. You'll see some vignettig. Then try zooming in and see if the vignetting dispappears.

What kind of bracket did you get and how do you focus ?

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