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Grimley and Holt (4 Viewers)

An early morning visit to Camp Lane Pits produced a juvenile Whinchat, juvenile Yellow Wagtail and flyover Meadow Pipit while a juvenile Wheatear was at Church Farm pool. These were all firsts for me this autumn and it was the first day since April where it felt as though there was some movement. Mike Bourne also found a Redstart at CLP later in the morning.

The only waders present were c20 Lapwings with no sign of yesterday's Ruff.

With July and August now behind us this is by far and away the worst wader passage in the 17 years I've been visiting. Totals for those two months are 2 Greenshanks (1 record), 2 Ruff (2 records), 3 Black-tailed Godwits (1 record) and 6 Dunlin (2 records) while numbers of Common and Green Sands have been pitiful with a max count of just 4 for the latter. I'm not aware of any Ringed Plovers this autumn. The last wader of any note that I saw was the Wood Sand on April 26th!

Along with no records to date of other interesting species we could hope for such as Garganey, passage terns & raptors, Med and Little Gulls it has been bitterly disappointing. Lets hope things improve this month.......

Worcester Birding
On leaving at just before 5 the Grimley total is 86.
Some of the days highlights were Ruff, dunlin, green sandpiper, redshank, spotted flycatcher, redstart, Teal, Widgeon swift, little owl, yellow wagtail, whinchat.
On leaving at just before 5 the Grimley total is 86.
Some of the days highlights were Ruff, dunlin, green sandpiper, redshank, spotted flycatcher, redstart, Teal, Widgeon swift, little owl, yellow wagtail, whinchat.

Great day out Laurie and well done to everyone for getting such a good total!
Yeah great day all round, exceeded all expectations. Think we all would have taken 75 at the start of the day!
Great effort by everyone today.
Grimley & Holt day list

Hi All,

Good day today.

Highlights, Ruff, Whinchat, at least 3 Spotted Flycatchers and Redstart.

We failed to get Mistle Thrush, either of the partridges, Marsh Tit and Greylag all of which are resident (except the latter perhaps) and were out there somewhere.

Hopefully I've managed to attach the complete day list below, please check that I've not missed anything off.


View attachment Grimley & Holt All Dayer 5 Sept 2015.xls
Not much happening at the moment but a noticeable amount of goldcrests in the trees at the north end of Camp Lane Pits. It may be worth giving these trees a good looking at if you hear goldcrests, I spent the weekend in Norfolk and there has been a huge fall of them - there must be 100s of thousands coming over. They may well bring in something else with them...
happening to be passing dinner time so dropped in for 10 mins, CLP highlights, 4 little Egrets, male Shoverler, 10 Gadwell, teal, mallard, Comorants, BHGs, 2 LBBG 1st yr.
New pits on left, Mute Swan & Canada geese
Had a great morning session at Grimley Camp Lane pits. When the fog lifted had a total of 51 species. There was a lot of small birds moving over. redwings, fieldfares, linnets, meadow pipits, a flock of redpolls, goldfinches, several tit flocks, goldcrests.

A stonechat was present as has been the last few visits. Possibly the one that over wintered last year!?!

In addition, 7 little egrets were present, 15+ shovelers, large numbers of teal, gadwall and little grebe. 40 lapwings, some snipe, possibly 3 kingfishers. there were also perhaps 200+ Canada geese.
popped in for a few minutes today on my way home from Worcester. Boy was it quiet! Shelduck was the only bird of note. More large gulls than usual - mix of LBBG and Herring Gull.
Morning of jan 10th walk around camp lane pits revealed 43 species. A pair of goldeneye my favourite duck, were on the lower half of the lakes ,as were pochards and a group of short staying wigeon. A kingfisher hunted from the causeway /footpath gate and posts ,and a stonechat down the south side.
A relatively good day at Grimley. Female Goldeneye on Wagon Wheel south pit, a female Goosander flew south past the end of Wagon Wheel lane and a drake Pintail was at Camp Lane
Camp lane pits were a bit a a slog today, very wet underfoot , with the water level high ,kingfisher on causeway and stonechat still down south side .My dog flushed a sparrowhawk which flew around the back of me and landed giving excellent views , thumbs up to Harley. A little owl was seen on the return journey making a hat trick of owls ,2 species at a different sight, for the day.The old workings held a lot of winter thrushes and a small mixed finch flock where the cattle are fed. Down on the wagon wheel lakes plenty of widgeon and a goldeneye .53 species on a cold wet misty day not bad .

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