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Grimley and Holt (3 Viewers)

I have now finished and the Grimley total is at 83. not sure if we will get any more. it is also the same as last year's total. Not bad for the 4 of us.
I have now finished and the Grimley total is at 83. not sure if we will get any more. it is also the same as last year's total. Not bad for the 4 of us.

Hi Laurie,

Would it be possible to post the full list of 83 species please.

I managed to put in a couple of hours after work this evening and recorded Whimbrel (briefly before flying off NE with a Curlew), Common Gull (2cy N through WWL with Black-heads), Wheatear in the cattle field at Church Farm Pool, Yellow Wags etc and a few common species so it will be interesting to see what the final total is. It was just myself and Ed this evening but we both had to leave.

Record shot of the Whimbrel below.

Worcester Birding


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Hi Brian
This is the list (I think) sure Patch will correct it if it is not right

1 black headed gull
2 blackbird
3 blackcap
4 blue tit
5 bullfinch
6 buzzard
7 canada goose
8 carrion crow
9 chaffinch
10 chiffchaff
11 collared dove
12 common sandpiper
13 common tern
14 coot
15 cormorant
16 cuckoo
17 dunlin
18 dunnock
19 feral pigeon
20 gadwall
21 goldcrest
22 goldfinch
23 great crested grebe
24 Great tit
25 greater spotted woodpecker
26 green woodpecker
27 greenfinch
28 grey heron
29 grey wag
30 greylag
31 herring gull
32 house martin
33 house sparrow
34 jackdaw
35 jay
36 kestrel
37 kingfisher
38 lapwing
39 lbbg
40 lesser whitethroat
41 linnet
42 little grebe
43 little ringed plover
44 long tailed tit
45 magpie
46 mallard
47 meadow pipit
48 mistle thrush
49 moorhen
50 Mute swan
51 nuthatch
52 oystercatcher
53 peregrine
54 pheasant
55 pied wag
56 pochard
57 raven
58 red-legged partridge
59 redshank
60 reed bunting
61 reed warbler
62 robin
63 rook
64 sand martin
65 sedge warbler
66 shoveler
67 skylark
68 snipe
69 song thrush
70 sparrowhawk
71 starling
72 stock dove
73 swallow
74 swift
75 teal
76 treecreeper
77 tufted duck
78 whinchat
79 whitethroat
80 willow warbler
81 wood pigeon
82 wren
83 yellow wag

Regards Rob Clipson
That's great, thanks Rob.

My additions therefore are Whimbrel, Curlew, Common Gull, Wheatear and Coal Tit bringing the total up to 88.

The five most notable resident species missing are Tawny and Little Owls, Mandarin, Grey Partridge and Marsh Tit which with more time, eyes and ears could have been nailed.

Worcester Birding
Well done Brian good effort.
I think 88 is more than respectable and like you say there is an issue with coverage which makes our total even more respectable.

I had a feeling we would get a whimbrel yesterday so I am glade you did. (gutted I missed it!!) but I was pleased with the Whinchat.
Great total and a good effort by a day shift of 4 people and an evening shift of 2. Agree Brian a few more eyes and ears and who knows.
Agreed, a great total, just wish I could of been there for the whole day.

Another visit this evening paid dividends with plenty of migrants to be seen. A Wood Sandpiper was feeding along the west shore and 2 Whimbrels were resting not too far from the footpath providing great views. Up to 6 Common Sandpipers were present along with a few Yellow Wagtails and the usual nesting waders. The male Wheatear was still in the cattle field at Church Farm Meadows, 4 Yellow Wags, a White Wag and 2 Common Sands were at Wagon Wheel Lane Pits where 4 Mandarin (3 drakes & a female) were also present - where were they yesterday!

Pics of the Wood Sand and Whimbrels below.

Worcester Birding


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A comparison of the day lists for the West Midlands region sites from the Spring All-Dayer on the 25th April


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Just saw this on the Middleton thread - made me smile! 12 birders?? Hides??? Shelter from the rain???? Sheer luxury! Oh if only..........

"Hi Steve, I only managed 75 species in last years all dayer, so you two did well. Really you need about twelve birders and good coordination to get a decent score and having more than one hide in case of rain would help.
It would be better to hold the race over a whole month then luck wouldn't come into it so much. We have had circa 109 species so far this April.
Last edited by geoffw1946 : Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 23:18. "
Hobby 4, Common Tern 3, LRP 2, Redshank 2, Oystercatcher 2, Lapwing 6, Cuckoo h/o, Sand Martin c50, Yellow Wagtail 1, Sedge Warbler and a Hornet.

The hobbies were feeding over the field on the west side of Camp Lane Pits, flying low over the low crop and close to the footpath. Magnificent!


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Just saw this on the Middleton thread - made me smile! 12 birders?? Hides??? Shelter from the rain???? Sheer luxury! Oh if only..........

"Hi Steve, I only managed 75 species in last years all dayer, so you two did well. Really you need about twelve birders and good coordination to get a decent score and having more than one hide in case of rain would help.
It would be better to hold the race over a whole month then luck wouldn't come into it so much. We have had circa 109 species so far this April.
Last edited by geoffw1946 : Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 23:18. "

You don't need a hide, the sun always shines there, or it does whenever I visit8-P.
Perhaps it will become an RSPB or Worcs WT reserve one day (It certainly should be) then you'll get what you want.
RSPB or Worcs WT reserve 'one day' - careful what you wish for;)

I can't wait for the new owner of the 'House on the Hill' to start his boating acitivites, that should make the feathers fly...

Had a good afternoon yesterday. was there for 3 hours and clocked up 55 species. Nothing unexpected. Highlights were the 4 common sandpipers, 2 LPR, 2 terns. T
he numbers of swifts is building but still only a few House martins about.

At Wagon Wheel lane saw a couple of Mandarins.

As for the comments about reserves and hides, what really appeals to me about Grimley is that it is not a managed reserve. It reminds me that wildlife will always find a way no matter how badly we mess things up.
Similar yesterday morning Laurie, but two cuckoos were around Wagon Wheel Lane. Agree entirely regarding the status of the area.

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