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British Birds - January 2016 (1 Viewer)


Thought Police
British Birds January 2016

The January 2016 issue of British Birds is now out.

BB eye
Getting your lists in order

Return of the butcher bird? Prospects for recolonisation of the Red-backed Shrike and priorities for conservation
The Red-backed Shrike ceased to be a regular breeder in the UK in the 1980s, but over the past ten years a series of breeding records have raised hopes for the prospects of recolonisation. This paper outlines the recent breeding records and examines what factors caused the demise of the UK population.

Report on scarce migrant birds in Britain in 2013: non-passerines
This report presents data on the non-passerine scarce migrants recorded in Britain during 2013. It was a record year for three of the species concerned: White-billed Diver, Great White Egret and Glossy Ibis. At the opposite end of the spectrum, there were just single-figure numbers of six species: American Wigeon, Ferruginous Duck, Wilson’s Storm-petrel, Kentish Plover, White-winged Black Tern and Red-footed Falcon.

From the Rarities Committee’s files: rare subspecies in Britain
This paper updates BBRC’s approach to the recording of rare subspecies in Britain. It summarises the history of BBRC’s treatment of rare subspecies, reports on developments since 2006, introduces an updated suite of subspecies accounts on the BBRC website (www.bbrc.org.uk) and sets out the Committee’s approach to evidence requirements and publication.


Ted Smith

Pacific Fulmars in the Bering Sea in summer 2015
Grey Heron carrying a rat in its feet
Common Kestrel attempting to predate House Martin nest

Book reviews, recent reports and news & comment complete the January issue.

For more details, and to see a recent issue of the magazine, visit our website at www.britishbirds.co.uk
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