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Best feeder for hooded orioles (1 Viewer)


Active member
My hummingbird feeder is being frequented by a pair of Hooded Orioles (SoCal). They are very skittish, easily spooked and don't stay long. Also the feeder is difficult for them to use, they look like King Kong on the Empire State Building. I would like to buy an oriole feeder, but there are so many to choose from. I have tried orange halves with no success. They were only showing up a few times a week when I first saw them in May thru June, but over the last week or two they are coming a few times a day, so I would really like to make their feeding easier. My Hummingbird mix is water and sugar, sometimes 4:1 ratio, sometimes 3:1. I have seen some feeders that have a place to put marmalade, grape jelly, oranges, etc, but until I find they at least stay longer for sugar water and are comfortable I will move into the other choices later (buy that type of feeder then), for now I just want one for fluid. Any suggestions and anything more I should know? Thanks, Deb
Could you find a spot for a oriole feeder for liquid. I think most of the hummingbird feeders will be too small for the orioles. I have one liquid feeder for them close to the humminbird feeder but my best feeder for the oriole has been orange halves and grape jelly. I was told that the orioles are real nomadic and skittish. At times I see many around my feeder and then they are gone for a while and will show up again. They just don't stay in one place. Good luck!
I would suggest setting up a bowl of your sugar/water mix and also put out some grape jelly and see wha happens. Or those Perky Pet feeders seem to be the best for the sugar/water. OR if your hummingbird feeder has those little flowers that cover the holes, just take a couple of those off, it will make it easier for the orioles and you won't be spending anything.

Good luck,
birdpotter said:
I would suggest setting up a bowl of your sugar/water mix and also put out some grape jelly and see wha happens. Or those Perky Pet feeders seem to be the best for the sugar/water. OR if your hummingbird feeder has those little flowers that cover the holes, just take a couple of those off, it will make it easier for the orioles and you won't be spending anything.

Good luck,

I had already removed the flowers, so they are able to get their beaks in to drink. This morning, for the first time, I actually had a male house finch sit on this same hummingbird feeder and drink, that was a total shock and while watching I heard the Oriole's chatter. It came and landed on the top of feeder, scared away the finch and had a drink, before taking off. Maybe the finch, who visits all day watched the oriole and decided to give it a try? I also bought some grape jelly today and will give that a go.
Debsyard said:
I had already removed the flowers, so they are able to get their beaks in to drink. This morning, for the first time, I actually had a male house finch sit on this same hummingbird feeder and drink, that was a total shock and while watching I heard the Oriole's chatter. It came and landed on the top of feeder, scared away the finch and had a drink, before taking off. Maybe the finch, who visits all day watched the oriole and decided to give it a try? I also bought some grape jelly today and will give that a go.

House Finches will drink, especially if the holes are big enough and don't be surprised if you get a woodpecker too. Sounds like you have a wonderfully active yard!
birdpotter said:
House Finches will drink, especially if the holes are big enough and don't be surprised if you get a woodpecker too. Sounds like you have a wonderfully active yard!

The best part is watching them bathe. The house finches are able to stand in the middle of clear tupperware dish and splash. It's so funny to see because the dish magnifies their legs and makes them look bigger. The gold finches jump in and wade from one side to the other. It's so great!
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