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Any birds nesting in your garden yet? (4 Viewers)

I have a number of roosting pockets around the garden. Today I noticed a rusty little bird flying away from the vicinity of one. There looks to be some moss in it so i hope I will have a Mrs Wren choosing this as "the one"!
I must now try to covertly move "garden fork cam" to a convenient position nearby!

ps It's snowing here...only fine powder, but my fingers got bitterly cold when I was filling the feeders!
Hi all

So far I have a pair of Collared Doves near the top of our 40ft leylandii (I can hear the chick calling as I walk past to fill the feeders), and Blue Tits in one nest box, with a newly found pair of Robins in my open fronted box. Only one Tit box not completely sure of, though I can hear it being scratched and pecked at in the mornings. Hopeful anyway.

Good news on the newly found Robins Edrick and other birds everyone. My Blue Tits are still building their nest in the House Sparrow terrace. My grandparents have a Wren nesting in a wall ornament too!
Hi all

I was just wondering how good a view has everyone got of their prospective nestlings?

The only ones I can really see are the Robins. We have a settle at the base of our bed; our bedroom overlooks the back garden (we live in a bungalow), so if I place my telescope on it's tripod (obviously) and sit on the settel, I can get an excellent view of the Robins for the time being. The nest box is side on, attached to an old concrete wash post at the bottom of the garden, at the moment easily viewed through the fast growing ivy, which has only just started to show new leaf growth.

With the box being 90* side on, I cannot see in, but can see overhanging moss and leaves, plus the pair going constantly in and out. I can watch the pair also run around the back lawn, chasing insects, twitching their tails. One interesting aspect of all this is that I have noticed they do not fly directly to the nest box. Usually it's to the privet hedge at the side, or on to the ground beneath the box, beforre flying towards, and entering the box. Today if time permits I may have an hour and time just how many visits they make, and how many in an hour.

Ah, the marvels of nature, and right on your doorstep.

I've got 5 woodcrete 28mm and 32mm nest boxes set up in the garden and 2 open fronted robin nestboxes.
3 boxes seem to have been claimed by blue tits,one above the pond,one on my porch and the other in a hedge.
Great tits have been spotted looking at the other 2 boxes but they don't seem in any great urgency to claim a nestbox when compared to the blue tits.
Nothing to report form the 2 open front nestboxes but i've large amounts of ivy growing on the porch providing plenty of cover so its highly probable that nests are being built without my realising.
One thing i have noticed though is that shop bought nesting material isn't half as attractive as hanging basket material !! The baskets are looking very sorry for themselves due to the free for all mentality of the nestmakers.
Quote"One interesting aspect of all this is that I have noticed they do not fly directly to the nest box. Usually it's to the privet hedge at the side, or on to the ground beneath the box, beforre flying towards, and entering the box"

I agree, Edrick. Ours hatched yesterday, and the adults sit and wait before approaching the box. It seems as though if there's a magpie or jackdaw on any of the TV ariels or chimneys, they wait til they've gone. So far I've not seen either of those birds take eggs or young in the garden, only starlings who raided a dunnock's nest a couple of years ago.
A pair of Mistle Thushes have built a nest between the drainpipe and the wall next to our front door. This pair regularly nest around the garden but never on the house before. They are usually pretty agressive, so I suspect that anyone approaching the front door could soon be dive-bombed.
Pride of place goes to the swans. Been sitting on eggs for about 10 days.
Also have little grebe nest building and moorhen on nest.

A pair of blackbirds have been gathering worms from the lawn for about a week, joined at times by Song Thrush. Magpies have bulit a huge nest in an oak tree.

Sparrows, Blue Tit and Great Tit using nest boxes. 2 pairs of Wood Pidgeon, and a Dunnock nest that I haven't located.
Decided that today would be a good day to inspect what's going on.

Some users may recall that over the weekend my neighbour decided to remove his conifers. That frightened the Robins right off. Luckily (?) they had not layed yet, but the nest was complete. They have not been back since. Sunday afternoon a pair of House Sparrows showed interest in the vacant freehold, and today, a pair of Tree Sparrows (oh, how I would love those to take up residence) showed interest.

The Great Tits that were in my garage soffitts last year seem to have been usurped by a pair of Blue Tits who can be regularly seen bonding in the trees opposite. I can also hear them when I'm quietly making noise in the garage!

The two Tit boxes I have on our outside front and back bedroom walls are just a little disappointing at the moment. I thought they were both being used by the noise and amount of activity, but one isn't (even though it has been visited and entered), and the one used last year by Blue Tits has so far just begun to be lined with feathers - so at least there is some activity there.

Finally, today, just now, I have seen my first fledgling of the year! A young Collared Dove, having vacated it's humble abode atop my 40 leylandii conifer. Perched on a 3ft high wooden fence along the driveway, trying to look inconspicuous. But at least it's the first, my garden is alive with the breath of young life.

Now if only the Blue Tits, Blackbirds, House Sparrows, Dunnocks and Tree Sparrows would kindly oblige ..................

A wren, in an ornamental nest box, between the conservatory, and the kitchen window, and he isn't even fazed by the kids in and out of the garden, and bouncing on thier trampoline.


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It isn't in a box but in the beginning of March we had Kildeer nesting in the pasture. It was hard to ride my horse through the pasture without disturbing them. They blend into the ground so well and then all of a sudden you see them doing the broken wing dance.

Sunday I noticed the chicks runing around the edge of the pond chasing a parent. It is amazing they made it but I have seen horses take great care not to step on a bird so I guess they avoid the nests.
As far as I know, I have a nesting pair of House Finch (she is incubating eggs, hatching due anytime) and a Robin just built a nest ontop of the wreath that the House finch is using....so this should be interesting. I need to get a chair to see if any eggs are layed in the Robin nest (doubt it) I know of several mourning dove pairings, but haven't seen any nests as of yet.
Things here are just now picking up. April into May is when it starts to get serious here.
Fledged Dunnocks coming to ground type table this last few days (so my wife tells me) saw the myself today. Early!


I have a pair of catbirds nesting in the yard which I am pleased with because it's usually mockingbirds which get on my nerves by swooping down at me when i'm trying to relax.
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