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  1. Brunch To Go

    Brunch To Go

    An Osprey taking out either an early lunch or late breakfast around 11AM 22OCT2008. He was flying so fast and high-up, I had to take my tripod off to pan for him without breaking my arthritic neck !
  2. Gray-tailed Tattler

    Gray-tailed Tattler

    I'd posted a photo of this species last year but this one is much better and also in full Winter plumage. "Kiashi-shigi"
  3. Northern Lapwing

    Northern Lapwing

    A nicely posed bird in good light and fairly close. I have to admit, I really love these birds, quite the characters and very handsome chaps as well. "Tageri" in Japanese.
  4. Woody and Sharpy

    Woody and Sharpy

    Here's an interesting duo, a Wood Sandpiper and a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper having lunch together. When these birds arrive in Autumn, they spend most of their day frantically feeding. It's hard to get them in any pose other than face in the water!
  5. Spotted Redshank

    Spotted Redshank

    This bird had me scratching my head until it finally dawned on me that this is a Spotted Redshank coming out of breeding plumage and into its winter colors. I've seen them in breeding colors with the striking black and also in full Winter colors so here is the Autumn moulting color.
  6. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

    Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

    These are common migrants in the fall and many winter here in Okinawa. They arrive in breeding colors and it is interesting to watch as these and many other wintering birds gradually change their plumage. It has taken me a few years to get used to identifying them in various color schemes.
  7. White-winged Tern

    White-winged Tern

    An immature bird in winter colors. It took me a bit to ID this as they look very similar to Whiskered Terns in winter, the diagnostic is that the black patch behind the eye comes well below the eye in this species. Still not an easy ID to make. I had mistakenly assumed all of the winter tern I...
  8. Greater Sandplover

    Greater Sandplover

    A rather dull and dreary Christmas day here. Plenty of waders but unfortunately a very low tide kept them just out of decent camera range. Looking forward to a bit nicer of a day and a high tide to catch these guys again!
  9. Ruddy Turnstone pair

    Ruddy Turnstone pair

    Another shot from my low crawl technique. I'm very pleased with the outcome, more to come! (Sorihashi-shigi)
  10. Red-necked Stint pair

    Red-necked Stint pair

    Another shot from an "eye-level" view. I like the results and will try the "low crawl" approach more often now. I was rather suprised at how close I could get to them by this method. (Tonen in Japanese)
  11. Ruddy-breasted Crake

    Ruddy-breasted Crake

    I finally managed a better shot of this shy bird. This is the subspecies P.f. phaeopyga found in the Ryukyu Islands. (Hi-Kuina in Japanese) *This photo is dedicated to the memory of my mother, today would have been her 68th birthday.
  12. Tug of war

    Tug of war

    I was doing the "Marine Sniper" low crawl on the beach to get close to several shore birds, The timing was just right as I was in position to catch this chap tugging on his lunch. The Plover prevailed and remained in place cocking his head to one side and then the other looking at me...
  13. Saunder's Gull

    Saunder's Gull

    Hello all, sorry for my absence here but I'm very busy here with the holidays in full swing. I did manage to get out yesterday and glad I did! I found a pair of Saunder's Gulls and was able to get a few shots before they flew off. The "Zuguro-kamome" is the Japanese name.
  14. Autumn colors

    Autumn colors

    This guy seems to be decked out in his Autumn outfit. With all the interesting butterflies over here, I need to start taking more shots of them instead of rushing by them to get to the birds!
  15. Snack time

    Snack time

    A very pretty light blue butterfly with a red/orange color at the base of the wing.
  16. Black & Blue

    Black & Blue

    The butterflies were more cooperative than the birds today!
  17. Lesser White-fronted Goose

    Lesser White-fronted Goose

    A bit of a long story on this photo....I was working hard this afternoon on a different base than I usually do. I decided to take a "Birding break" for lunch as this base is just moments away from my favorite local patch in Kin Town. I had seen Northern Lapwing and Oriental Pratincole...
  18. Wood Sandpiper

    Wood Sandpiper

    This little guy is standing on an angled embankment, thus the odd angle of the body. But a nice clear shot of him though and I like the results!
  19. Black-faced Spoonbill

    Black-faced Spoonbill

    The Black-Faced Spoobill regularly winters in small numbers (10-15 individuals) on Okinawa. We only found three this day, hopefully more will show up once it cools off. Though it is November, still in the 80's!
  20. Spotted Redshanks

    Spotted Redshanks

    This is but the second individual I've seen of this species in Okinawa. Got several decent shots of him today. Looks to be in moult from breeding to winter plumage.
  21. Dunlin


    Dunlins in their winter plumage look nothing like the dark colored birds in the breeding plumage.
  22. Ruddy Turnstones

    Ruddy Turnstones

    I was hiding in the bushes to get this shot and scared the *heck* out of a few joggers passing by. My patience paid off and I got several shots of these Turnstones before another jogger frightened them off.
  23. Off they go!

    Off they go!

    My stealth skills were lacking and I frightened off this group of Whimbrels. I guess they're wary of chubby guys creeping about on mud flats, go figure!
  24. Whimbrels


    Winter visitors enjoying a nice day at the beach. As they were out in the open, I had to slowly creep up on them to get this shot.
  25. Painted Snipe Couple

    Painted Snipe Couple

    The female seems to be chatting with her mate "Honey, tell that guy to stop looking at me". I had great views of this stunning couple feeding and walking across a flooded taro patch before they disappeared into cover.