Alternative name: Blue-and-white Crested-Flycatcher
- Elminia albicauda
For the species Cyornis concretus, see White-tailed Flycatcher
Male is cobalt blue above and on the throat, paler below, long tail. Females and immatures are greyer, with a narrow band of blue on edges of wing and tail-feathers.
Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
Forms a superspecies with African Blue Flycatcher, but has white (not uniform blue) outertail and paler breast that contrasts with darker mantle. Ranges do not overlap.
Forests and dry savanna.
The diet includes insects.
A compact, cup-shaped nest is built and 1-2 white eggs are laid. Both parents feed the young, with help from nonbreeding adults or immatures in the group.