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hop into the bath
Clive Timmons

hop into the bath

I am always amazed by the attention I draw from people out walking to the Golden Plover when I have a 600mm lens pointed out on the estuary "never saw them before" is the usual remark ....how can you miss 3000 Beautiful Creatures ??? I wonder maybe they should swap the headphones for a pair of Bins
My Estuary
Date taken
Valentines Day
Equipment used
D2X & 600 mm F4
Lol! I know exactly what you mean - only I've got a 400mm and the y scare everything off when they come over a for a chat! We've only around 500 of hese at present but unfortunately they're using the distant mudflat rather than the closer shore.
LOL Ian they always use the DISTANT mudflat :-O and I have had some very funny experiences with pedestrians while trying to get shots too but it goes with the territory I suppose
LOL Clive so many people look but never see what is right in front of them. When u see something breathtaking in nature it is better than ... :O!!
dont u just love their faethers!!! nice one!
Good one Clive, it's amazing to me that people notice the lens and not the birds. These big lenses really get some attention. Cheers
Guess we are all Gadget Freaks Nigel but still amazing that people that walk that stretch every day never notice the Birds I had one that was trying to show me an "Eagle with huge wings" that turned out to be a Grey Heron but at least that person was looking
Brilliant photo Clive! Love this one. ~~ Too true that folks don't look at things until they see a significant lens pointed at something then they need to look at it too. Human nature I guess.
An observation I make constantly when I am about with the rig. The U.S. is about the ultimate consumer. People are completely detached from the world they are so very much a part of. They are obsessed with having the next generation of electronic toys not knowing that the obsession is what motivates them, and at the same time does not bring them any lasting sense of fullfilment. They are oblivious to that which around them as they go blindly along pursuing they know not what. I get the same questions; usually answered with a simple " a bird". And these same people are the ones who would say that the birds must be saved, but can't understand the beauty of the birds...it is just a rightous cause. Sorry, I rant on. But when I hold that camera rig in my hand I say this is a great use of technology that brings me closer, and able to preserve that which brings me a deeper connection. Technology for technological consumerism, in the hands of those who don't understand it, and can't see a genuine use for it, other than entertainment, is just a nother form of magic. Again sorry for the rant; it's just that you hit on a button. Now as to the image. The fore-ground birds are excellent, draw the eye in and then the blurred birds in the BG compel the viewer to realize there are 3000 beauties out there. Great shot. :t: :t: :t: :t: :scribe: cheers B :)
A beauty of a water shot Clive ;)!. I love the wing spread and the expression on the others face - a real stunner! :t: :t: :t:
thanks everyone boy Digishooter Mega Relpy you are so right there I am a selfconfessed gadget maniac might not get any sleep tonite with the advent of the iphone being released tomorrow morning and I booked one immediately they were taking orders, and yes ireland is only getting them now I envy anyone living in the wonderful Californian Light my pal lived in LA for 9 years what a place NY is my favorite city break ah B&H.... and Boston is just a delight but I also love home

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