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Egyptian Plover in Gambia or Senegal (1 Viewer)

Jose Ramon

Well-known member
Hi everybody,

I would like to know if anybody has information about where and when watch Egyptian Plover in The Gambia or Senegal.

I have been birdwatching to The Gambia once before for 10 days but I didn't see it.

I went at the end of January and it seems that it is too late for this bird.

I went to the area around Banjul and also upriver. I was told that Egyptian plovers where present in The Gambia in some specific places close to river Gambia but from mid January they move north to some other places in Senegal to breed.

So, anybody can tell me the right place and the right time to see this bird (in The Gambia or Senegal)?

If I go to The Gambia again, instead of visiting the same places again I could try Senegal for this time.

So, any interesting info/birds/sites in Senegal close to the Egyptian Plover places?

Thanks in advance,

You need to go upriver as they don't, or at best very very rarely, occur on the coast. You will need to go upriver beyond Tendaba with Basse being the best location whilst Kaur Mashes on the North bank/shore, about an hour beyond Tendaba will produce birds.

Best time is of course when most birders visit and that would be November through to March with birds decreasing in numbers during February and March.
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