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Digiscope Newbie (1 Viewer)


As a newcomer to digiscoping I have been a keen photographer for some years and recently bought a Celestron Regal 80 mm 'scope. Still coming to grips with the kit and various cameras (dslr, micro 4/3rds, compact etc) however one thing I find puzzling. The Celestron came with a 20/60 zoom eyepiece that I found surprisingly good in its performance. I did however purchase a prime eyepiece (10 mm Baader Hyperion 68 degree eyepiece) to see what sort of quality I could get out of the Celestron.

I must say that the result between the two eyepieces was virtually the same when the zoom was brought up to the same magnification. Focusing was critical with the prime due to a far shallower depth of field and it was only very slightly brighter. On shorter distances the prime was somewhat sharper with denser colours but not by much which made me think that the 'kit' zoom had been made to a very high standard, surprising for a mid range 'scope. Early trials with various cameras have given mixed results - however perseverance no doubt will eventually bring rewards, it is however slightly more difficult than I had anticipated. :t:

The Celestron Regal 20/60 zoom eyepiece is a 8-24mm zoom and rumour has it that it is a clone of the excellent Baader 8-24mm zoom, hence the performance.

The Celestron Regal 20/60 zoom eyepiece is a 8-24mm zoom and rumour has it that it is a clone of the excellent Baader 8-24mm zoom, hence the performance.


Thanks for that Paul - that explains things, at least my eyes can still differentiate between quality and mundane!


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