Two features that can´t be used safely in Dimitris Tattler is nasal groove and primary projection beyond tail tip. Regarding wing tip projection beyond tail tip, Wandering has clear projection beyond, while Grey-tailed has equal - or slightly longer. However -there´s some overlap since juveniles of Grey-tailed often has a similar projection like Wandering.
The nasal groove, which is a good distinction, that is to say if seen well, usually extend longer than half the bill lenght in Wandering - shorter - and approx. halfway in Grey-tailed:
In Dimitris bird it´s nearly impossible to get a clear view of the nasal groove but if it stops at the end of the pale line visible in the images, then that would favour Grey-tailed.
Other features are the pale supercilium - which in fact reaches behind the eye, maybe not so clear in some of the images but seen well image 5 rfrom behind.
The tattler is clearly a worn first winter by the patterned coverts and tertials, and while juv/first winter Grey-tailed might have more obvious markings than Wandering this might not be so helpfull in this case since plumage is worn. However the pattern is rather well precerved in the covert area. On balance I would go for Grey-tailed - on range, overall palness - supercilium behind the eye (other forehead feature - like the super meeting over bill base in Grey-tailed and such is difficult to determine from these images) well marked covert pattern at this time of year and nasal groove, although not safely judged from these images.