Ibwo in Swamp
Goatnose said:
I have just posted my summation on my web site for one year of search on the White River National Wildlife Refuge for the IBWO May 2005 => May 2006. After reading it I am thinking of firing myself for little accomplishment but I reconsidered and have put myself on a performance improvement plan.
Quick summation 4 possible sightings, one double rap heard, one Kent call heard. that is it. I quit counting hours spent searching when it went over 100 this pass January.
Thanks for viewing.
go to this site and click on my web journal
Hello all I'll try to summarize the last three Q's and other points in one response.
First - One cannot just walk into a swamp in the southern US and hear a double rap. Pileated do not do them. There is one recording in the Lab of Ornithology of a drumming Pileated Woodpecker (I think from Oregon-- and that is also important) that was drumming normally but somewhere in the repetoire did a double knock- one time.
Now as I have said the sounds I heard in Guatemala were identical (to my ear) to the double knocks i heard in Ark.
I have to also dispell another myth about Bobby Harrison, although Bobby used decoys first (and apparently still is) Martjan was alarmed to hear of the practice. I had one made for my by Gene Sparling's Dad. It was not great in shape (and other ways) but i drew attention! I had it up four times in a great spot. However, I was very interesting to note that Pileated came in VERY VERY Agitated..... I filmed the whole encounter and this is in the Cornell Archives. I am NOT impressed with the footage of Bobby's and feel that bird one is CLEARLY a PILEATED in hs footage and a heron flying through in the second shot. NEVER NEVER will this POOR quality and terribly focused footage be of any value and if he is continuing to suggest otherwise He is being dishonest and of little value to the rest of us who are working dilegently to really acquire something of value.
Proof is a high standard so JUST in case any of you guys go out. PLEASE set you focus to MANUAL !!!!! Leave it focused just a bit shy of infinity. Pick an object say- 200 yards and put it in focus and then --if you choose -- let you camera run. David L. began this tecnique.
I believe I began the comparison of DAvid's video to the one of "Sasquatch". The point is even after extensive analysis and attempts to make something from what he got.... the FOCUS was at 6 feet..... YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER THAN THAT. However, I also immediately knew he had indeed acquired footage of the bird. So is that clear?
The reason I can say this unequivocally - and damn Sibley, Kaufman and others... they are wrong- the reason is they do NOT have sufficient experience with understanding focus versus artifacts. Compare that to having 15 years of daily experience in television.... What hurts is that-- of these guys, for example... I have known Kenn for over 30 years and NOT once did Kenn even contact me... to talk about anything related to the whole thing. Mark Robbins how ever has spent quite a bit of time discussing the video with me, as well as long talks about double raps and my experiences. We have different opinions on the video - although we have never looked at it while we were talking about it and we respect each other enough to not allow our differences to hurt that.
Primary reason for artifacts or whites being out of place (blurring) in video is a factor of WHITE BALANCE. DAvid's camera was in very good white balance. This can easily be seen due to the trueness of all of the other colors including the flesh tones, greens, and the famous Yellow canoe paddle handle. I have to also be honest I have not checked color temperature of his image. because I feel it is of no use.
But it can be measured and compared to-->
Cornell and Martjan designed a "control" as best as we were able to construct. Bobby loaned us his one excellent decoy and created two more capable of "flying". They were outstanding and created exactly to scale etc etc. This is an area where Harrison is outstanding.
Anyway on March 15th 2005, we "recreated" the Luneau video and the sparring mostly ignores the results. I'd actually be happy to debate any of these folks on stage anytime anywhere . Slides and presentations included. Part of one of the paper includes our results of this. I find it very strong.
Last thing for today in light of the comments about the bowerbird... Why do people think that because we altered a habitat, or even cut the Singer Tract that the birds just lay over and stuck their feet up in the air and died?
IBWO's were VERY capable of moving enormous distances. and species must adapt to changing conditions all the time. Blah blah blah. You know I feel they flew somewhere... at least a few pairs have survived and IBWO in BDV was fledged somewhere in the last 15 years.