Well-known member
"Equivocally irrefutable" seems to be a contradiction in terms but you are perhaps being facetious. We've all seen a few irrefutably equivocal photos.
Haha! Nice one!
"Equivocally irrefutable" seems to be a contradiction in terms but you are perhaps being facetious. We've all seen a few irrefutably equivocal photos.
Is Steve Sheridan (the admitted photo faker) the guy who reported "sightings" from way out of range (Indiana, I think) in the 70s or something similar?
Is Steve Sheridan (the admitted photo faker) the guy who reported "sightings" from way out of range (Indiana, I think) in the 70s or something similar?
And Audubon stated that this bird usually "only" nested once per year in that rather northerly state.
Well, except that even Indiana was not "way out of range".
In fact it is (was) not out of range at all. And Audubon stated that this bird usually "only" nested once per year in that rather northerly state.
Way out of range for any alleged IBWO sightings in the 1970s, would you not agree?
I have not been visiting any IBWO sites lately and to say that I'm now speechless is an understatement!
My disappointment that someone whom I had respected would do something like this is beyond words.
I hope and pray that this action does not permanently harm the search for living IBWO's which I still believe exist out there somewhere in the deep swamps of the USA.
I presume that by now everybody knows that the photo labeled Mystery bird #3 in the previous discussion is fake. For details see Bill Pulliam's blog
[ http://bbill.blogspot.com/ ].
Probability that some non-Cornell person will attempt a fairly high-profile hoax (using a fictitious story of a very impressive sighting record, a faked picture, a feather from a museum specimen, etc)--40%
Wow, how time flies. I thought I had a hazy memory that the Blog-that-shall-not-be-named had predicted this. I had forgotten that it was way back in 2005....
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has launched a new website for
Ivory-billed woodpecker updates: http://www.fws.gov/ivorybill/
"This site will be updated regularly to include weekly updates of recovery activities and the latest recovery team information as it is developed. Inquiries should be referred to this site."