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  1. G

    Great Tit fledgling?

    Just took him up to Blue Highlands Bird Rescue here in Brora. He'll be well taken care of there.
  2. G

    Great Tit fledgling?

    He's doing well and thanks for all the advice. It's great to know he can most likely look after himself now. He's a lot better than he was yesterday, and we just went for a walk outdoors with him perched on my finger. There are great tits at my peanut feeder so I'll put him outside for a while...
  3. G

    Great Tit fledgling?

    Actually, I think this may be a Great tit fledgling.
  4. G

    Great Tit fledgling?

    Coalie survived his first night. He's a juvenile, so that would explain hitting my window. Young birds always seem to have to fly into glass windows to learn not to do it. He was quite active this morning so I took him outside again to see if he was ready to try flying. Nah, he went back to...
  5. G

    Great Tit fledgling?

    A wee coal tit flew into my living room window. Ran outside and he was fluttering around on the ground. When I picked him up he was obviously in distress, so I talked to him gently until he calmed down, took him into the house and checked him over. He could move his legs, flutter his wings and...
  6. G

    Golden or White Tailed? No, Common Buzzard!

    I guess you're right. Perhaps the unfamiliar countryside, the sea cliffs, the haze, and the steep slopes down to the cliff tops put my sizes all wonky :D Thanks Butty.
  7. G

    Golden or White Tailed? No, Common Buzzard!

    Er, it was far too big for a buzzard.
  8. G

    Golden or White Tailed? No, Common Buzzard!

    Soaring along the sea cliffs near Berriedale in Caithness earlier today. I'm going for Golden Eagle.
  9. G

    Dead whale - Helmsdale

    Yeah, humpbacks are not unknown around these parts.
  10. G

    Dead whale - Helmsdale

    Washed up about 2 miles north of Helmsdale. About 20 ft long, been dead a long while, maybe a calf I guess. Can anyone identify it?
  11. G

    Handa Island, Scotland

    Handa is amazing just now. I'm posting this piccie full size so you can see some of the birds nesting on the cliffs.
  12. G


    Pretty sure this is a herring. Just checking as he was all on his own amongst hundreds of kittiwakes, guillemots and razorbills, which seemed a little strange for a herring.
  13. G

    Crow ID please

    I would think with its bill open like that a raven's throat hackle would be visible, but not 100% sure on that.
  14. G

    Bird - Handa Island

    I'm from Lewis, but I've never lived on the islands, only visited. So much to see in the Highlands and islands, much more than one lifetime could possibly take in. I'm going to try and get to St Kilda next summer and spend a few days on Skye.
  15. G

    Bird - Handa Island

    True story! I've not been to St Kilda yet, that is on the bucket list.
  16. G

    Bird - Handa Island

    Thanks, juv wheatear it is :) While on the subject of Handa, there are tens of thousands of nesting guillemots, razorbills, fulmars, puffins, great skuas, arctic skuas and many others with chicks just now, including some rare species. This is one of the highlights from my trip. I learned that...
  17. G

    Bird - Handa Island

    This wee thing popped up on the path ahead of me, I just had time to raise the camera and take a piccie and it was off so I didn't get a good look at it. Anyone know what it is? Handa Island is amazing just now.
  18. G

    Fritillary - Embo beach

    Good info, thanks, I'll try to photograph underwings as well in future.
  19. G

    Fritillary - Embo beach

    Anyone any idea which fritillary this is?
  20. G

    Ducks - Loch Fleet

    There were none on Brora beach, had no idea they were in Loch Fleet back then. They are established right along the coast to Helmsdale now, and they are nesting on shingle and coastal grass right along the coast. They are doing very well. There were no herons around here back then either, aside...
  21. G

    Ducks - Loch Fleet

    The eiders have fairly established themselves around here. There were none 40 years ago now they're everywhere. Good to see them doing so well :)
  22. G

    Ducks - Loch Fleet

    A few of these birds on Loch Fleet just now. Thought they were eider ducks, then thought they were mallard, but after looking at the photos I'm really not sure what they are. No males around, just females with ducklings.
  23. G

    6 spot burnet moth - Littleferry

    I think it is. Lots of them around just now at Littleferry.
  24. G

    Orca kills?

    Not one single dead bird washed up on Brora beach over the winter, and just spotted my first one earlier today. Looks like this is a seasonal phenomenon, so if the Great Skuas have arrived, I think we can safely assume this is their handiwork. I guess it only remains now for someone to observe...
  25. G

    Curlew or whimbrel - north Scotland

    Pretty sure this is a curlew, but its bill looks a little short to me. Could be its head is cocked slightly to one side, or perhaps there are curlews with differing lengths of bills, but I can't be 100% sure so here's a piccie. Thanks!