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Search results

  1. G

    Great Tit fledgling?

    A wee coal tit flew into my living room window. Ran outside and he was fluttering around on the ground. When I picked him up he was obviously in distress, so I talked to him gently until he calmed down, took him into the house and checked him over. He could move his legs, flutter his wings and...
  2. G

    Golden or White Tailed? No, Common Buzzard!

    Soaring along the sea cliffs near Berriedale in Caithness earlier today. I'm going for Golden Eagle.
  3. G

    Dead whale - Helmsdale

    Washed up about 2 miles north of Helmsdale. About 20 ft long, been dead a long while, maybe a calf I guess. Can anyone identify it?
  4. G

    Handa Island, Scotland

    Handa is amazing just now. I'm posting this piccie full size so you can see some of the birds nesting on the cliffs.
  5. G


    Pretty sure this is a herring. Just checking as he was all on his own amongst hundreds of kittiwakes, guillemots and razorbills, which seemed a little strange for a herring.
  6. G

    Bird - Handa Island

    This wee thing popped up on the path ahead of me, I just had time to raise the camera and take a piccie and it was off so I didn't get a good look at it. Anyone know what it is? Handa Island is amazing just now.
  7. G

    Fritillary - Embo beach

    Anyone any idea which fritillary this is?
  8. G

    Ducks - Loch Fleet

    A few of these birds on Loch Fleet just now. Thought they were eider ducks, then thought they were mallard, but after looking at the photos I'm really not sure what they are. No males around, just females with ducklings.
  9. G

    6 spot burnet moth - Littleferry

    I think it is. Lots of them around just now at Littleferry.
  10. G

    Curlew or whimbrel - north Scotland

    Pretty sure this is a curlew, but its bill looks a little short to me. Could be its head is cocked slightly to one side, or perhaps there are curlews with differing lengths of bills, but I can't be 100% sure so here's a piccie. Thanks!
  11. G

    Eagle over Brora beach

    I've seen ospreys off Brora beach, but never an eagle. It was heading out to sea and judging from its flight path appeared to have come from the hills around Loch Brora. Can anyone ID this bird from these poor photos?
  12. G

    Monk fish?

    Washed up on Brora beach. It was only about 3 inches long and I'm guessing a young monk fish. Don't think it's a lumpsucker, and can't think of anything else.
  13. G

    Hunter and the hunted

    Out on my morning walk I spotted a pheasant on a roof and it was looking very alarmed. I've never seen a pheasant on a roof before. Something must have chased it up there and I suspected a cat. Wandered over to get a photo and look who I spotted in the back garden keeping an eye on the pheasant...
  14. G

    Redwings - Sutherland

    About a dozen of these are hanging around my house this afternoon, stuffing their faces with red berries. Pretty sure these are redwings, so a first for me on camera. Are they migrants passing through or could I be seeing more of them? Beautiful birds.
  15. G

    Basking shark washed up on Brora beach

    There is a dead basking shark along Brora beach, just past the first burn. At least, I think it's a basking shark, can't think of anything else it could be. No idea what happened to it, but its head looks like it has exploded.
  16. G

    Juvenile Pied Wagtail - Highlands

    Can't think of anything else.
  17. G


    Assumed these were all herrings, but working on the photo noticed the bird on the right had a dark spot rather than a red spot on its bill. Legs look darker as well, but that's probably just the light. I still think it's a herring.
  18. G


    Pretty sure this is a GBB but not 100% as he's not looking his best.
  19. G


    Sorry for poor piccie quality, this thing was miles away. Thought it was a buzzard hanging around its nest, but think it might be an osprey.
  20. G

    Juvenile Kittiwake? Sutherland

    Black beak, pinkish legs, thought they had black legs. Or is it just the bright light making them look pinkish?
  21. G

    Grass in the Highlands

    Mr Google tells me it is grass and shows me visually similar images of mowed lawns. Big Brother Google Earth still has a long way to go before he is anywhere near ready to run the world.
  22. G

    Tern being mugged

    Anyone know what bird this is mugging the arctic tern?
  23. G


    Is it possible to id this pine tree from the needles?
  24. G

    Highland bog

    The Highlands are really beautiful just now. I was tramping across moors the other week, taking my time negotiating a bog, when I stopped in wonder at how beautiful the moor can actually be. I think here we have purple bell heather and bog asphodel (yellow flowers), but not sure. What else is...
  25. G

    Kittiwake and mallard - Sutherland

    First bird is common gull sized, black legs and yellow bill, thought it was a kittiwake. However, the black tip on the bill is throwing me. He was also on his own, no other birds around, which I've not seen in kittiwakes, and he doesn't have the red eyes. Young bird perhaps? Second bird I'm...