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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Search results

  1. S

    Leica Duovid

    Hello Leica people Does anyone have any long term opinion of the 8-12x42 Duovid? I'm currently looking at a pair online for what seems a reasonable price and wondered if they're the best of both worlds or would end up not being used because of their limitations, fov and weight mainly. I'm...
  2. S

    High power bino vs scope

    Hello, As the title suggests, has anybody replaced their scope with a higher power binocular? I find prolonged use of a scope uncomfortable, I'm currently considering one of the following and would appreciate any input/advice. Nikon Monarch 5 - 15 or 20x56 - Around £600 Zeiss Conquest HD -...
  3. S

    Hello from Wiltshire

    Hello all. I've been getting free advice from this forum for a while so thought I'd register to say thanks :t: Steve