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Recent content by Carson

  1. Carson

    New Costa Rican Bird Book Imminent

    I'm not precisely sure about the forum rules, so I shall precede this by saying I'm not commercially connected with anything to do with this book in any way. I'm a Canadian who frequently bird-watches in Costa Rica, where I'll spend three months this year, May through July. So my only reason for...
  2. Carson

    Some Basic Computer Concepts and Programs

    Some Basic Computer Concepts A lot of this is about freeware you can download. I've written it just becuz there have been a few people here who've been ensnarled with some basic computer problems. Now, for you savvy users of computers: of course my choices are just my choices. You know that...
  3. Carson

    Website on birding in Madrid, Spain

    The truth about honeycreepers Congratulations, Ignacio, A very nice beginning to a very good site. I was especially interested in your photos of Green Honeycreepers at Asa Wright, showing the males in their real-life brilliant turquoise-blue colour. Unfortunately the illustrations in A Guide...
  4. Carson

    What Birds Are In Canadian Gardens Right Now?

    Tammie, that feeder with THOSE visitors is just fantastic! Amazing! And I notice the suet underneath. We've had starlings hover for suet, would you believe, but it basically works that way--almost works, anyway. I'd love to have white-winged crossbills at a feeder. In Vancouver our plague of...
  5. Carson

    What Birds Are In Canadian Gardens Right Now?

    VT, how I envy you your Hoary Redpoll--AND the photo to prove it! Well, not that we have to prove what we saw, but the very mention of a Hoary Redpoll does make others wonder, so it's excellent to be able to say, "And here it is!" I had a wonderful adventure many years ago in Calgary, with a...
  6. Carson

    RAM options

    Bluetail: Superb! Hee hee!
  7. Carson

    RAM options

    Well, you know, Andrew... When William Shakespeare was offered advice on a fine word-processor, he looked things over and said, "Tell you what, folks. I think I'll spend the money on a tablet of paper, a good quill pen, and a book on How to Write in Iambic Pentameter." Like you, he went...
  8. Carson

    American Robin is No more ?

    Well, I had a Canadian robin singing on top of my cedar this morning, but I live about 8,000 miles or so to the west of you folks. In a way, it seems quite for the best that the robin has gone to its natural death. I feel sorry for these accidentals, hopelessly out of touch with their kind...
  9. Carson

    RAM options

    Yes, and I see my URLs didn't work very well for Andrew. (Andrew, you need to post your own thread, exactly as you do here.) Therefore, um, what's left? I think I'll leave it to you Brits, because I'm not sure that solutions here apply there. In Windows, in North America, there are 2...
  10. Carson

    RAM options

    I think I can, Andy. Here are 3 computer forums, all free, which all work just like BF. All of them would deal with the questions here. In a computer forum, a poster is not likely to get away with advice that is too far from reality--just as a birder wouldn't get away with it...
  11. Carson

    Importance of size of exit pupil

    Scampo, I didn't know that, and I find it fascinating. The smaller the aperture (ie. f-stop) in a camera lens, the greater the depth of field. In wildflower photography, a flash is often used in daylight to allow for f16 or f22, and hence a very detailed picture for technical botany use. If the...
  12. Carson

    What is a "dude"?

    Gee, there's a lot of bad feelings in birding, over there. Maybe too much crowding. Strix's reply (second in) was really beautifully accurate, at least for NA. I have never been to a twitch, and I've never seen birders put one another down as in this forum. Strix's rendition is totally helpful...
  13. Carson

    RAM options

    Wow! What a thread THIS is! Next time I'd switch to a Windows or other computer forum for this kind of advice. Some of the above is dead wrong, a lot is misinformed and prejudiced, and some is very good--and it all makes a very strange soup indeed.
  14. Carson

    What is a "dude"?

    Right on, Dude! I find your post, like, totahlly illumined, y'know? I mean, I think you must be educated to the max, like, in the way, you know, you just bring it. Like, you may do American English, but that doesn't make you, you know, like, an oxymoron in my books, Dude! Hey English, any part...
  15. Carson

    Importance of size of exit pupil

    Yes, Jonathan, a local astronomer told me he is quite sure it takes the human pupil a good half hour to open fully. He suggested it opens gradually, but closes, or begins to close, quickly in reaction to a sudden blast of light ("light pollution"--such as headlights--to astronomers)...