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Common House Martin - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 09:06, 17 September 2007 by AlanManson-37216 (talk | contribs)
Delichon urbica
Photo by Raydes

Delichon urbicum Common House-Martin


Photographed: Petra (Lesvos-Greece). The characters of the race: upperparts are bluish-black with a dark blue sheen. The white rump is less extensive than on lagopoda. The longest upper tail coverts are wholly black or are only pale at the bases. The white rump and upper tail covert feathers sometimes have dark central shafts. The throat, breast, flanks and undertail are white, rarely showing a brownish-grey cast. The axillaries are brownish-grey. The tail fork is deeper than in lagopoda, about 15-25 mm. Wing length of males is 107-118mm (110.7), of females 104-115 mm (111.6). Adult glossy blueish black above, and duller black flight feathers. Tail blue and forked. Has distinctive white rump in flight. Immature duller and lacks shiny sheens.





Gregarious, breeding colonially on buildings, under eaves and sometimes in cliffs. Nest of mud. Widespread and sometimes common, recent evidence of decline.

Bird Song

<flashmp3>Delichon urbica (song).mp3</flashmp3>
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