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help finding woodlark (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Hi I was in the new forest yesterday from the north west and to be honest was overawed with the vastness. I was looking for woodlark as never seen one.Does anyone know a reliable site as I am back in mid april and want to try again. Was at bolderwood yesterday but found the walks confusing. Any help very appriciated
Acres Down is a fairly reliable area and offers a decent chance for most of the New Forest specialities.

It does get plenty of visitors, but that does mean that there a normally a few folk about who can point you to more specific spots.....
Looking for one is difficult - if you can learn their song, then listening for one is a lot easier. I've seen and heard one this year near Beaulieu Road Station - in fact that area is where I find them in most years. They can be found on both sides of the railway, anywhere from Denny Wood to Pig Bush (and probably far beyond but, as you say, the New Forest is a big place).
David (also from Wigan)
Thanks for your help I was actually stopped at Pig Bush but never got out of the car as was looking for Bolderwood. Are there any specific areas to look at I have been told in the past that clearings with cut down trees are good but also told to check footpaths as they like those. Any help in whittling down the areas a great help . I will try the song but my hearing always struggles to pick up birdsong not sure why I'm only in my 40's and hearing otherwise pretty good.Thanks both again for your help.
Maybe look for single trees or small groups of trees - they will sing from quite prominent positions.

The song is always the key for me - you might be lucky with a woodlark, they are pretty loud and clear and the range of notes means you might well pick up a bar or two.

Good luck!
Thanks for your help I was actually stopped at Pig Bush but never got out of the car as was looking for Bolderwood. Are there any specific areas to look at I have been told in the past that clearings with cut down trees are good but also told to check footpaths as they like those. Any help in whittling down the areas a great help . I will try the song but my hearing always struggles to pick up birdsong not sure why I'm only in my 40's and hearing otherwise pretty good.Thanks both again for your help.

Acres down and Beaulieu Road both been reliable sites for me in the past, but nearly always I hear them first. Try listening to a few recordings to 'get your ear in'. Download a couple onto your phone so you can have a listen immediately before going on site - always helps me.

Hi all thanks for your help with this as we are just visitors to the area if anyone has any regular haunts that show them up in area would be very appreciated,directions would be great help. We are down a week on Friday.Any help greatly received and thanks to you all
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

I hear that the New Forest is a good place to see the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker . Where is the best place there ?

Mike D

QUOTE=warrior1966;2968530]Hi all thanks for your help with this as we are just visitors to the area if anyone has any regular haunts that show them up in area would be very appreciated,directions would be great help. We are down a week on Friday.Any help greatly received and thanks to you all[/QUOTE]
I hear that the New Forest is a good place to see the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker . Where is the best place there ?

Mike D

Anywhere with suitable habitat which is usually oak with lots of deadwood. Alder and birch alongside rivers can also be good. Mark Ash Wood by Bolderwood is a popular place to look.
Did you have any joy in the end? Not that this info helps you at all but I was lucky enough to see woodlark on two occasions within a week this year at two different locations in Surrey, Farnham common & Frensham common. I know the location info isn't relevant & that you've been & gone but thought I'd share anyway.

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