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Fritton / Waveney woodland (1 Viewer)

Karl J

Well-known member
Fritton / Waveney woodland

6 miles sw of Great Yarmouth, an area of woodland open to the public. OS map 134
From Yarmouth take A143, turn right just before the Decoy Inn at Fritton, the car park is on the left approx 1/2 mile up the road.OS - TG467 008. Conveniently there's a mobile phone mast for locking up your bike to as well.

From the car park there is a wide track running down through the woods. At the end - TG455 004 is a wide panoramic view, across the marshes, of the meeting of the Waveney & Yare river valleys. This is a good vantage point for general countryside/ marshland birds plus wintering Bird of Prey species : Peregrine, Hen & Marsh Harrier etc. worth looking along the overhead power pylons as well.
Other areas of the wood, river banks and reedbed are home to Water Rail, summer migrant warblers, Coal (and other)Tit, Goldcrest, woodpeckers and wintering waterfowl . There's another vantage point overlooking the marshes & river at TG458 011 and a wardens cottage along the old railway track with lots of feeders etc.

Worth a couple of hours - in my opinion.

One final note for any cyclists or walkers - I'd strongly advise taking 5 mins with the OS and planning the route via Burgh Castle, Belton and the back of Caldecot Hall which follows part of the Angles Way footpath. A bit further but much better than dodging trucks on the A143, I assure you
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