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Search results

  1. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    There are now upto 5 Quails singing on the farm that I had had the single bird on. Near House of Dun, I had a Merlin, a few Bullfinch and lots of hirundines on the move today.
  2. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    I had a Quail singing on a farm 5 miles SW of Brechin yesterday. I will try and get around the rest of the farm to get a count of birds soon. They have had upto double figures in the past.
  3. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    I was near Brechin today and had 2 Red Kites, so if you are in the area keep your eyes peeled. If you do see these birds please phone the RSPB Perth office on 01738 630783. Lots of Swifts over Loch Balgavie.
  4. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    Everything seems to be feeding hard after the rain yesterday. Had my first yellowhammer carrying food. Alot of other species having young out of the nest. Had a cuckoo calling up Sma Glen. Swallows are busy building in my barn which is always good to see. Otherwise fairly quiet.
  5. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    I had my first Whinchat on a farm just outside Edinburgh. Going to drop into Vane farm to see if the Lesser scaup is still around.
  6. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    I dropped into Balgavies Loch after work today and had an Osprey come and land on the island. Lots of Willow Warblers singing. Looks like the Long tailed Duck there might have moved on. Lots of Sand Martins c60+ and a handfull of Swallows c20+. An escaped Budggie was apparently seen from the...
  7. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    Hi Steve, Some good photos there, an impressive day. Am of out to the glens again this weekend. I had my first Chiffchaff of the year yesterday near Carnoustie.
  8. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    Its not quite in the area but had my first Scottish Golden Eagles since 1983 yesterday. In a space of 15 minutes I had two pairs, completely took my breathe away. I have waited a long time to see these magnificant birds. I also saw 08 green Osprey at Loch of Lowes making adjustments to the nest...
  9. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    Surprisingly there were still a flock of approx 120 of Yellowhammers on a stubble strip near Careston today. Good to hear an Osprey has return to Lock of Lowes. I have heard a report that a Tawny Owl chick has been seen outside the box, just to reitterate how warm this winter has been.
  10. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    I had 20 Whooper Swans north near Carnoustie yesterday.
  11. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    Hello all, If anyone is out birding and see Yellowhammers please can you check for colour rings. Not alot happening otherwise near Carnoustie, c30 Skylarks in a few groups passed threw, 3 Grey Herons, 5 Buzzards, 1 Sparrowhawk male trapped, 2 Kestrels, 2 Yellowhammers trapped with a flock of 130...
  12. Ade George

    Tayforth Birding

    I have been out doing bird research near Montrose over the past few days and had c 500 Pink-feet NE on 13th and about c 450 today. lots of buzzards and a male sparrowhawk flushed a flock of 100 Yellowhammers.