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  1. S

    Bats ID looking at spectrograms?

    Now you're saying that, I found the following signals in the same recording, 1 minute before the 17 kHz spectrogram... higher frequencies, 20-21 kHz, more vertical traces (as you can see Blackbirds start to call just a few seconds before the ultrasounds are recorded, they must have spotted the...
  2. S

    Bats ID looking at spectrograms?

    Lowest single "signals" (1:17:03-04) are at 16.35 KHz, see below how I measured in the middle of the spectrum peak. Highest single signal is 18.85 KHz, and the whole serie peaks at 17.05 KHz... (main bird noise sounds like Common blackbird alarm call - to my hear). Maybe a BIG noctule, with a...
  3. S

    Bats ID looking at spectrograms?

    I also got these around 18 mHz but with different shapes... less common in this location, could they be noctules too (3 x same species?), or is that too low? I think it's too high for free-tailed, I believe, peak power is 9.5-13.5 kHz. Or maybe Myotis sp. ? I read somewhere that some species...
  4. S

    Bats ID looking at spectrograms?

    Yes, I can't help but write mHz instead of kHz... is it because 1000 is "mille" in French, or I'm just not focusing enough on details... anyway I keep doing this error again and again, it's not the first time, and most likely not the last. Here are also some J shaped signals, near the 20 kHz...
  5. S

    Bats ID looking at spectrograms?

    That's a lot of information! I'm using Audacity to find and extract these parts, I'll check that, Analysis > Trace Spectrum to see if I can discriminate between Leisler's and Serotine. I also found a trace with peaks at 39-40 kHz in other examples, only very few and pale signals, so maybe a...
  6. S

    Bats ID looking at spectrograms?

    I found these ultrasonic 'traces' while parsing recent night recordings, lowland countryside, West Switzerland/France. Typ_1 and Typ_2 look more like rodents or insects to me, but they are also very rare occurences and differ from the 4-5 species of grasshopers/crickets that can go on for...