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Search results

  1. M

    An unusual visiitor, but what is it?

    Just seen a pair of these on our bird bath. Don't recall seeing them before. About the size of a sparrow, but not sparrow markings. Marking more like thrush, but far too small. Pink legs. Apologies for poor quality but I was shooting through vertical blinds that I obviously couldn't move...
  2. M

    Is this a rock pipit?

    Not too sure how to post images - sorry. Is this a rock pipit? Seen on the Farnes on Monday. Doesn't look quite right to me, but what do I know? http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/data/527/Poss_rock_pippit.jpg
  3. M

    Camera in next box - how to do this, please.

    We have a next box on our back wall. It's been up for 10 years or more, and every year we raise a brood of Great Tits. They've just flown for this year. Wifey has now decided that she woould like a camera in there to see what is going on. The box is one I built many years ago following a RSPB...
  4. M

    Is this duck for real?

    Went to Martin Mere today, and for once had a look at the captive stuff. saw this duck. Is this real, or some form of mutation. Saw two of them, but I've no idea what they are. Anyone able to help? Or is it just an oddball??? http://www.flickr.com/photos/49561411@N02/10944252855/in/photostream
  5. M

    Making a hide clamp from a tripod. Can it be done?

    I have a Manfrotto tripod, and am principally a photographer. I'm not looking to get some dedicated spotting scope equipment, because that all seems to have different fittings to those on my camera/tripod setup. What I was wondering is...is there anyway of using the removable central column of...
  6. M

    Wader ID Please. (Calling G6UXU Chris)

    Was at Leighton Moss in Lancashire today. Met G6UXU Chris, and gave him a lift to the Eric Morecambe hide. We saw a group of Redshanks and Greenshanks together. But we have a problem. In the middle was a different type of wader. In the pic you'll see a redshank at the front, but behind it is a...
  7. M

    Seen at Brockholes today, but what is it?

    Hi guys, can anyone help identify this for me? I've looked in all mt books and it doesn't seem to fit anywhere. It's probably something quite mundane, but I'd still like to give it an ID. Seen at the Brockholes Reserve near Preston this morning.
  8. M

    Meresands Wood near Ormskirk. What is this bird?

    Hi there, Saw this today near a reed bed at Meresands Wood near Ormskirk. nearest I could get from my little book was a sedge warbler, but I suspect I'm wrong, so can anyone help?
  9. M

    Binocuklar advice please - what to buy???

    Binocular advice please - what to buy??? Hi there, I'm relatively new to all this. I'm principally a photographer who has recently drifted into birds and wildlife on a more regular basis. I have more camera gear than the wife knows about and realise that getting top quality shots is damned...
  10. M

    What are these little chappies, please?

    Hi, I'm new here, but everyone I've met at RSPB says you are just wonderful!!! So, can anyone identify these birds for me? I saw them last Saturday at RSPB reserve in Conway, N Wales. There were perhaps half a dozen of them flying around together, but wouldn't let me get close enough for a...