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Recent content by Crazyemu

  1. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    Ah amazing 🤩
  2. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    Awww wow it's good to know they were there. So fast! Which hide was this at?
  3. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    I understand. I have a p1000 Nikon so am quite lucky in that respect. I can understand that this is not the case for others and even mine struggles at really epic distances
  4. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    In not sure the last time you went but there are areas that have been cleared and I have seen them a few times form afar. I see them noted in the sightings book about but have not been lucky so far
  5. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    Ah yes I wondered if that was what they were for. Thanks so much . I shall report back if I get lucky hehe
  6. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    Ah that's perfect thanks..I have seen them.ther before but never close to the hide..I need to wrap up warm and be patient hehe
  7. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    Thank you so much for your response..this is so helpful. Lapwing is the furthest one on the moors isn't it ?
  8. C

    Kingfishers Upton Warren

    Hi everyone. I visit the Christopher Cadbury Wetlands on Worcestershire quite often. Is there anyone who would be willing to help me locate and photograph some kingfishers? I have seen them at a vast distance. I think I need someone with local knowledge. Many thanks Emma