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Recent content by Angnix

  1. Angnix

    Garden Bird - Gloucester, UK

    Does it have a problem with it's toes?
  2. Angnix

    Please Identify Southeast TN in USA

    I record the domestic Mallards I see on the river in the domestic Mallard category on eBird, but when you look at your life list data it doesn't seem to appear, or they lump it in with Mallard, I don't know. When I go to edit checklist for example with both Mallard and Domestic Mallard, the...
  3. Angnix

    Hawks - Florida, USA Jan 2011

    4 is a BWHA, I've seen too many of these in the wild and captivity (I have worked at a raptor center and at a hawkwatch as an educator)
  4. Angnix

    When did you start watching birds?

    I was in 6th grade and remember this moment well. I loved science since kindergarten, so I always looked at books of that theme. Well, among the school library's books was the Golden Guide to Eastern Birds. I was fascinated by this book so much, wanting to see all the birds illustrated. This...
  5. Angnix

    How many ....... Crows ........ have you seen?

    I have gone to a few places in the Eastern US, that is it, so my list is kind of small: American Crow Fish Crow Common Raven Blue Jay Gray Jay Green Jay
  6. Angnix

    Is this a Kestrel?

    I would have called it a Merlin if I saw that in America. That's why I read the threads on here, to help improve ID skills.
  7. Angnix

    Southern Michigan USA, blurry picture coming later...

    It's right at the edge of town, I checked out satellite images and sure enough, there are farmer's fields very close by, on three sides.
  8. Angnix

    Southern Michigan USA, blurry picture coming later...

    It wasn't a meadowlark. I know this picture isn't going to help, but meh, shows the size of it kind of. The bird in question is the one to the far left.
  9. Angnix

    Southern Michigan USA, blurry picture coming later...

    I am at my aunt's house because I lost power. Me and my aunt were outside when a bird landed on the ground near her feeder. She saw it better than I did, but I declaired it a Horned Lark. We got a fuzzy photo of the bird with my cell phone, but because my phone is roaming and my aunt doesn't...
  10. Angnix

    North American Birders - Great Backyard Bird Count Feb. 18th-21st, 2011

    I did a couple of counts on my own yesterday, and today I went on a very snowy bird hike led by a field ornithologist as a GBBC activity. It was fun. I spent a lot of time looking over a Cedar Waxwing flock looking for a Bohemian, but no luck. I sometimes post on a local email list, and a few...
  11. Angnix

    Ohio, February 2011

    I miss Columbus... I worked down there two summers, ornithology work. Mostly urban parks, those were weird to work in... especially the most urban ones I did, Tuttle Park and Lou.
  12. Angnix

    Comment by 'Guest' in media 'Northern Mocking Bird'

    it's a mockingbird
  13. Angnix

    Crossley Guide

    I got a copy because I had it shipped as soon as it came out. I personally liked it. Okay, so some plates have too many birdies on it... but I liked all the different angles of the actual birds. What I didn't like about it: The brief text uses bander's codes... it's a bit confusing, probably...
  14. Angnix

    Hybrid duck (not domestic mallard)

    I once seen a duck try... but I don't think a duck/chicken hybrid is possible even though they tried :-O
  15. Angnix

    US - Illinois - Backyard Bird

    The one-legged Winter Wren was resident at a raptor center and would follow people around and would be sighted in the raptor cages, maybe lasted two weeks.... The one-legged Acadian Flycatcher female raised fledgelings!!! I was doing a research project, she was fully banded one year, then came...