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Perhaps another game changer (5 Viewers)

Summary of threads on this,

Guarantee period is one year, who buys binoculars like that? :rolleyes:


I have bought a fair number of old binoculars that had no guarantee whatsoever. I don't know what the warranty situation is with regard to my FLs (for instance) and if work was needed I'd pay for it. Although of course these were secondhand rather than new, some of these cost more than the Sky Rover Banner Cloud.

Granted, it's understandable that folks want proof of longer term durability before buying the SRBC. Reputations in optics aren't made in a few years - though Kunming has of course been in the optics business for much longer than that. If I was starting out completely afresh, my budget was limited to $5-600, and it had to be a brand new binocular, I'd certainly consider it.
If it helps anyone on the fence because of the warranty period, this message from Sky Rover was posted on CloudyNights a few weeks ago:

Thanks for your feedback.

After discussing with team again, for the Banner Cloud APO series binoculars, we can provide a 3-year limited warranty instead of just one year, and even after three years for overseas customers, we can continue to provide limited paid warranty.

Originally posted HERE. It may not be long enough for some, but it is now a longer warranty than Nikon’s 1-year.
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FYI… Some very interesting reviews of this 8x42 Banner Cloud have been published over the last 24 hours:

Binomania’s review

Neil English’s review (ongoing)
If they are that good as in reviews the big three will face a big problem in selling their binoculars. Especially, the one having 6 times more market price and the biodegradable coatings. It seems Banner Clouds selling like hot cookies and Sky Rover can't handle the market demand.
I know what Holger stated, also he did discuss QA/QC issues and not many in the US are going to want to ship them to China for service.
I do not always agree with other reviewers, nothing wrong with that - based on opinions, but I do not drink the kool aid.
The big three have existed for years world wide.
They sure have. And IMO they got fat and lazy lately: Very little real innovation, ever increasing prices.

Is that progress? I doubt it.
So this bc bino is going to eclipse their sales?
Of course it won't. Anyone who believes this lives in cloud-cuckoo-land. But if they manage to keep up the quality in their production runs, their binoculars will have an impact on the sales figures of the big three. After all, the review samples tested by Neil English, Holger Merlitz and Piergiovanni Salimbeni were obviously of very good quality, not just optically, but also mechanically.

Of course they won't sell many binoculars to collectors and those who are more interested in appreciating their "precious" optics rather then using them in the field. (BTW, IMO both groups are well represented on this forum.) But I'm sure they'll be bought by people who simply want some good binoculars to pursue their hobby and can't or don't want to shell out huge amounts of money for a pair made by one of the big three.

So yes, I think they've got a decent chance to grab some significant market share. Not today, not tomorrow, but in a few year's time.
This hype is driven by a few on cn and here, not really a large market but a few eager beavers.
If people were to write enthusiastic posts about a new product by a manufacturer you like, would you also call that "hype"? And would you say this "hype" is also driven by the likes of Neil English, Holger Merlitz and Piergiovanni Salimbeni?

If people were to write enthusiastic posts about a new product by a manufacturer you like, would you also call that "hype"? And would you say this "hype" is also driven by the likes of Neil English, Holger Merlitz and Piergiovanni Salimbeni?

I actually tried most of the glass I own before I purchased them, I have learned about the review process. The hype I am speaking of is from frequent posters here and on CN about the BC, not those mentioned, (nice twist Hermann). Time will tell if BC can have adequate and consistent QA/QC over time.
I appreciate the work from Holger and Piergiovanni.
Always funny when Hermann gets out the crystal ball. What happened to the prediction that IS binos would take over? Another day, another hype.
The same people (and I don't mean the reviewers) pushing this bino on both forums.
That thing might sell like hot cake but the market is small. And the people who can afford a Swarovski for the most part won't buy this thing. Or they could have bought any of the great Japanese binos before that also offered great value at lower prices.
It's simply not how the market works. The target audience for this wonder bino are the small group of people trying to find a bargain within the astronomy subset of optics enthusiasts. And when I look at the usual recommendations when an astronomy channel on YouTube for example recommends a bino - it's mostly cheap stuff. Like Skymasters, Opticrons, etc. So in that case, a 500€ Banner Cloud is already a step up financially. It's not like the astronomy users will now suddenly downgrade from all the Swaro and Zeiss binos they own.
The mass market for binos that we had in the 70's and 80's also no longer exists.
I also doubt that anyone here knows the exact number of units produced so a sentence like "they can't keep up with demand" is speculation at best concerning the question of how much demand there is. If they make a batch of 500 and sell out, they also "can't keep up with demand" but they're still not selling a lot.
The one person I know who owns a Swaro EL has bought it after simply asking friends what they think is the best. He'd never ever have bought a "Banner Cloud". Good products don't sell themselves or Fuji should have sold a ton of the HCs. They didn't, it seems. I own #505. And only a handful of people on the forums seem to own one.
Time will tell if the Banner Cloud will make any dent in the market, especially compared to the European companies (who deal with a shrinking market anyway). And Nikon seems to be struggling or they wouldn't have discontinued all the astro porros.
It's an interesting product, no doubt, but not an innovation. If anything it's a good copy.
And how much market share does Rolex lose to Chinese Rolex copies?
And the price seems to be around 500 or even more, at which point I'll wait if any European Kunming-resellers might stock it.
Not that I need another bino. For a wide field of view I already own more than enough wide angle Japanese porros.
It is natural for most of us (including me) expended large amounts of money to own so called alpha binoculars from big brand to digest the bitter truth of emerging equity good or close enough model for a fraction of the cost. Initially I didn’t want to believe the banner clouds are that good when I read the posts on a few forums from a few exited individuals after testing it. It was too good to be true. However, after reading the three detailed and equally good reviews offered by our well known western optics reviewers, I do not dare to tell banner clouds are not good as they seem. The banner cloud seems to me as a clone of NL series in some ways however it offers some of more advanced features such as hydrophobic leans coatings, tripod adaptability and probably non-biodegradable armors compared to the NL series. Someone can argues that big three offer more reliable and longer warranty periods than banner cloud offers. However, my point of view is it is logical to buy 3 pairs of banner clouds, one after every three years, at the half the price of an NL which covers almost the same warranty period. Apart from the truth that many members here don’t like to buy Chinese products (I hope they will not buy banner could secretly) banner cloud will be a good option for those people can’t afford for one from the big three but want same experience to enjoy the birding as much as the people can afford one from the big three. If there is any Issues in QC and mechanics will be revealed in the future. However, I afraid that the price of banner cloud would increase in the future if the demand becomes high.

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