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Norfolk mammals (2 Viewers)

I was sat in my car having lunch today on the outskirts of Thetford when a Weasel appeared on the wall beside me with a shrew clamped firmly in it's jaws! We looked at each other and then it disappeared before poking it's head out further along the wall to check I was still there. This continued a couple more times as it got further away from me before it went behind a muck heap, where it presumably found the cover it needed to make it to wherever it was heading!
I scored a hat trick of "usually elusive" mammal sightings today.

I had a surprise sighting today whilst cycling home via the Broadland Business Park at dusk. There was an otter fishing in the Lake (next to the Lakeside Café). Also, a Heron was keeping sentinel as well.

Earlier in the day at Strumpshaw Fen, I saw Bank Vole near the start of the Meadow Trail and a Wood Mouse near Buckenham Station. Both rodents appeared oblivious to my presence and I was able to enjoy good views before they disappeared into cover.

Anyway back to the football....


I scored a hat trick of "usually elusive" mammal sightings today.

I had a surprise sighting today whilst cycling home via the Broadland Business Park at dusk. There was an otter fishing in the Lake (next to the Lakeside Café). Also, a Heron was keeping sentinel as well.

Earlier in the day at Strumpshaw Fen, I saw Bank Vole near the start of the Meadow Trail and a Wood Mouse near Buckenham Station. Both rodents appeared oblivious to my presence and I was able to enjoy good views before they disappeared into cover.

Anyway back to the football....



Not so lucky with the football.
Enjoying Soprano and Common Pip of an evening in Surlingham, but the highlight for me are c3 Noctule who emerge before dark and hunt high over the paddock before we go to bed.

A little morbid this, but cat-related deaths have confirmed the existence of Bank and Field Vole in our area, along with Wood and House Mouse. Mole Hills in the garden suggest our smaller friends are doing OK with us.

Muntjac in Rosary Cemetery

Whilst walking through Rosary Cemetery in Norwich today at lunchtime I was surprised to come across a Muntjac Deer down one of the rides.

This is the closest I have seen a deer to the city centre. Although I suspect others may have had encounters closer still.


Fabulous views of an otter cub/ juvenile at Cley Marshes, yesterday afternoon, out in the open, gambling about over Cricket Marsh, and then swimming back along the edge of North Scrape. Thanks for the heads up, to R.M.
Lot of pies ?

An ID of Long-finned Pilot Whales has been made by observers far more skilled in these things than myself. A count has now reached 28; this had started at 10+ just over 3 hours before.

It was wonderful to see these creatures, slowly moving east this afternoon, in front of the wind turbines, off Salthouse beach. Occasionally, one would raise its head, revealing the whitish patch on its throat.

They had definitely moved closer inshore, during the time I watched; I hope not too much more !

I am sure better photos will appear.

“ ’Twas a joy to see all of these whales.
Did they swim sarth, blown by recent gales ?
Someone said ‘twenty-eight’;
I just hope that their fate
Is secure and they face no travails.”


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Some more pics of the Long-finned Pilot Whales off Salthouse.


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